Motorists across the country can expect to see an increased Police presence on our roads over Waitangi Day Weekend, particularly in areas that have recently been hit by poor weather.
‘We urge drivers to keep their speed down, to show patience and to ensure that they maintain a safe following distance and good lane driving practice,’ said Acting Director National Road Policing Centre, Inspector Peter McKennie.
‘Whether you’re heading out of town to see friends and whanau or staying local this weekend, we want you to get to your destination safely.
‘Take care, plan ahead, and when you’re out on the roads make sure you’re considerate of others.’
While some traffic may be inevitable this weekend, motorists can do their part in allowing plenty of time for their journey and driving to the conditions.
Police also remind motorists to drive within the speed limit, and remember that it is a limit not a target.
Even when speed doesn’t cause the crash, it is the single biggest determinant in whether you walk away or are carried away.
A small change in speed makes a big difference to injury severity in a crash – for you and everyone else involved.
Keep within the speed limit, drive to the conditions, don’t drink or take drugs and drive, wear a seatbelt and put your phone away.
Motorists can be expected to be stopped anywhere, anytime.
If you see any driving behaviour that is concerning, please call 105 and as always if there is an emergency call Police on 111.
For updates on road closures, and to plan ahead for potential delays caused by slips or roadworks, please visit
Image credit: Malte Luk
Watch out for vaccine Zombies
They wont be given a choice with the granny 80kmh speed limits being rolled out. Maybe we should all start driving golf carts.