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Daily Telegraph NZ turns 1 – a message from the Editor

DTNZ 1st anniversary news

It’s our first birthday!

Well, actually, our first article was published just over a year ago, on the 10th of October 2021. The milestone slipped by unnoticed, largely because there’s more important things, as a society, to concern ourselves with right now – which is an extended way of saying ‘we were too busy.’

Our first article was about the Kiwis rugby league team’s wider training squad for the Rugby League World Cup taking place right now in England.

In the year since that first article was published, just over 3.7 million readers have graced our pages, racking up nearly 19.5 million page views.

We are sincerely grateful to each and every one of our readers. We cannot thank you enough. We are also eternally grateful to all the writers who have contributed stories to DTNZ, and to those who have made donations and sent us messages of encouragement.

The readership numbers are most noteworthy for the fact they have been achieved in spite of an unrelenting campaign by Big Tech to censor DTNZ. The lengths Twitter, Facebook and Google are going to, to silence us, are astounding. We have suspicions also that Telegram is similarly compromised. We’ve had people from Europe contact us to describe how Google is flagging DTNZ in search results in France, the UK and the Netherlands. We know Twitter and Facebook are shadow-banning our links on an industrial scale, while Twitter and YouTube are manipulating our follower numbers – we can see all this happening in real time and by tests we, and third parties, have conducted.

We’re not bothered. Like water, the truth always finds a way.

DTNZ is proud to have been part of a new movement of independent news outlets and freedom individuals and organisations which told New Zealanders the truth about the Pfizer mRNA jabs and the government’s real intentions from the beginning. We continue to be inspired by these courageous individuals and organisations, and all Kiwis who are pushing back against state and media corruption in their own way.

I remember clearly the trepidation I felt hitting the ‘Publish’ button to send that first article out onto the internet, knowing full well that I was starting something that was likely to make me a target – an Enemy of the State; an enemy of the legacy media.

If I were honest, I would say starting Daily Telegraph NZ was the last thing I wanted to do, if these were ordinary times. I already had my hands full with work and family commitments.

But these are not ordinary times.

Many New Zealanders know that something sinister is happening in our country – a cancerous force, of which Ardern is just the visible head of the snake, but behind her, an array of evil-doers lurk, inside and outside of the Labour Party and Parliament, both foreign-based and local, comprised of powerful interests who seek to swindle our cherished way of life from the grip of our hands, to satisfy their insatiable greed and maniacal desire for total control over our lives.

I am motivated by my son – his future, and indeed, the future of all the sons and daughters and tamariki of New Zealand.

My son is nearly three. I look at him and know that as a father the best gift I can leave him is that he, his children and grandchilren, will live to old age free and independent, as all New Zealanders are born to be – to the have the same rights and freedoms his grandfather and I had, and for which his great-grandfather fought for in the WWII deserts of North Africa. I want him to live in a world ruled by truth, justice and righteousness – not one fashioned by lies, corruption and evil.

This wish may seem ‘over-the-top’ – after all, things appear relatively ok now, don’t they? The vax mandates and passports are gone. The face masks have been consigned to the dust bin. The tracer apps have been deleted from our smartphones. Baker, Bloomfield, Wiles, Hendry and Rod Jackson have vanished from our TV screens (hallelujah!). Everything seems to be getting back to ‘normal’.

But cast your mind back just a year ago, about the time the first DTNZ article I mentioned above was published. Ardern had just brought in the mandates, after telling us she wouldn’t. She then recruited the majority of Kiwis, and the legacy media, as foot soldiers for her diabolical aspirations, by turning the vaxxed against the unvaxxed. She blamed the unvaxxed for causing the pandemic, and by extension, the shutdown of the economy, the COVID deaths and hospitalisations, the restriction of freedoms, the closing of bars and restaurants, the cancelling of concerts, funerals and surgeries. She falsely characterised the pandemic as ‘one of the unvaccinated’. All of these accusations had no basis in science or common sense.

This was no innocent error by the Prime Minister and her advisors. The science was already available then to show she was lying. The evidence would soon accumulate to show the Pfizer mRNA jab was causing unprecedented harm and didn’t work. Even today, there is still no long-term safety data, and there are some worrying indications the spike protein will cause untold havoc inside the bodies of the vaccinated in the weeks, months and years to come.

Ardern’s campaign of hate towards the unvaxxed could not have worked without the assistance of the legacy media – Newshub, 1News, NZHerald, Stuff, RNZ – not one of these corrupt media organisations defended the unvaccinated against the unscientific, ludicrous madness. They will deny it, but the parallels with their actions and those of Hitler’s press in conditioning the consent of the German population to accept anti-semitism prior to WWII are clear. Hilary Barry, Mark Richardson, Jenna Lynch – these names spring to mind first, but there were many other mainstream media journalists whose names will in time be linked to New Zealand’s darkest days – for many they already are.

They targeted an innocent and harmless minority. They labeled them with slurs. They sought to destroy the reputations of those who spoke out. They portrayed them as subhuman, and outsiders.

So, today, while DTNZ quietly celebrate’s its one year milestone, and being conscious that times have changed a lot since we started, our message is that all New Zealanders must nevertheless remain vigilant and aware that the forces of evil who wrought havoc on our country these past two or so years do not rest.

We must be prepared for new crises ahead. They will, again, be engineered, propagandised and thrust upon us when we least expect it.

Farmers – make no mistake, you are next on the chopping block. What are you going to do about it? Sit there and take it?

We must never forget what’s happened thus far, and we must never forgive it.

Image credit: Mohammed Danish

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  1. Beautifully written!!! Happy birthday DTNZ ????????????????????. Thank you so much for finding the courage to proceed at the beginning during the most difficult days in this nation. I thank you for the freedom to speak from our hearts and to rant on the odd occasion ???? I thank all of you for your unbiased research to tell the truth about the dangers of mRNA. I thank you for going where others feared to tread. We needed you and you were there and yes who knows at this point what they will throw our way, but what I have found out is that I never knew how precious and important it is to be able to speak out! I’m thrilled that more people are discovering the light that is DTNZ. Cheers to truth!!!????

  2. Happy Birthday month DTNZ. 10th October birthday coincides with Libra and I cannot help but quote “Librans are extroverted, cosy, and friendly people. Librans, like the Scales that symbolise the sign, are often concerned with attaining balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the world. With their vast stores of charm, intelligence, frankness, persuasion, and seamless connectivity, they are well-equipped to do so” (Libra Personality Traits from https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com)
    Thank you for giving us a balance in the news. Thank you for all the heartful hours and hours the DTNZ team put into maintaining this site and thank you for the gifts you present not just the NZ public but the world. We also love your morals and ethics such as what is shown in receiving donations – accepting only when it is needed and when there is a surplus informing us to look after ourselves with this time of inflation and not worry to donate to you all. Cheers and thanks for the wonders you are, for the humanity you have and may you continue to be blessed.

  3. Brilliant piece. So much of what you have written I duplicate! You are doing an amazing job in getting the truth out there in this heavily censored country, and in one year with so many readers – this will increase in leaps and bounds as more of us tell others of where they can read real truth, and great pieces by individual contributors.

    Keep doing what you are doing – happy birthday to DTNZ and may you have many more.

  4. DTNZ we are all greatly indebted to your courage and sacrifice in allowing us all a voice in these dark times.

    Nga mihi, me aroha ki a koutou

  5. Hi Son. We applaud your courage, honesty, integrity the care you demonstrate for our grandson, your brother, his family and our other grand children and strangers alike

    • Lovely to see you publicly supporting your son, and his commitment to the truth. You are a wonderful example of what parents can be. ????

    • I can only speak for myself but hope I convey the sentiments of many.

      Your son is esteemed in the same way fiercely independent people like Guy Hatchard are held in high regard.

      They do not fight for prestige or money but for the right of ordinary people like myself to be heard.

  6. What more can I say than thank you, Malcom. It is a great thing you have done, and continue, with the Daily Telegraph. We all, I’m sure, hold positive that you will forge ahead holding that banner of common sense and truth now disgarded by those you mentioned.

    Now, more than ever, a light must be shined in all the dark places and a platform maintained for free and right thinking, and expression. All we can do is to continue to support this worthy ideal and get the message out there at every opportunity… Happy Birthday. ????????

  7. Well said. Trust no authority, and plan accordingly. The public are beginning to see the elephant… Gratitude to all who stood up to b shot, and survived. Courage and action from now on. Do nothing is no option.

  8. I did not know I was living in an Empire of Jabbing Lies until I accessed DTNZ. I didnt get a booster once I knew what is going on. I was misled by the Government and the MSM and feel stupid about it. It is never too late I suppose.

    • Don’t feel bad. For those of us who stood firm, we salute you! There are many more like you and many more still on their way. We all need to be wise enough to see this for what it is. United and defiant we must all say “Hell No!” the next time.

    • Agree, this is nothing to feel stupid about. I am double jabbed and boosted and that’s the end of it. Not another needle coming my way. Jabby and her mates lied to us, now I’m just angry.

    • Bless you. I can understand why you feel that way but you are not stupid at all. Many people had no choice. It’s the governments fault they forced so many who never wanted the vax into making a horrible choice, just so they could keep feeding their families. I wish you all the best!

    And thank you for your excellent articles, they’ve been a mainstay and guide in a time of the worst health and political disinformation from the Labour Party government and it’s pathetic media lackeys and self-immolating attack dogs.
    Many who were in Labour have left, and gone onto other pastures but not Greener ones in the political sense.
    Labour and Greens have become dictatorial nightmares.

  10. I totally agree with all what you’ve said. We must NEVER forget and forgive all the terrible things that had happened here by evil people. All the establishments have failed us: the government, medical establishment, media, educational system and judicial system, police. They are all rotten to the core. Sad that so many people fell to this appalling propaganda and cooperated with evil. They showed us their true colors. My whole perception about the world I live in has changed, and life will never be the same for me after seeing such evil behaviour. Daily Telegraph is doing such an important work to expose all the corruption in NZ. Thank you for your valued work!

    • I would like to say a big thank you to the real doctors and nurses of the medical profession. I agree with the criticism of Bloomfield and his cronies. We took the two jabs under false pretenses. After the second Father was diagnosed with cancer. No discernable link to the jab. The big issue for Father that made him really angry was he was not allowed to see a Doctor. It all had to be handled over the phone until he lost his temper with the “system” and insisted on seeing a real doctor. By this time many weeks had passed. Father was admitted to hospital. Even that was a drama getting through the door, no support people allowed etc. Once admitted to the ward the real doctors and nurses sprang into action in a highly professional manner and a period of chemo was organised. Father is now classified as a cancer survivor, thanks to many people, family, friends and above all the real medical professionals
      It is so cruel the way bureaucrats have traeted real doctors and nurses.

  11. Thank you for your honesty and passion. The truth in your words shine through. As opposed to the robotic false words of the govt and their ilk reading from their cue cards and spouting propaganda. Anyone who uses critical thinking skills sees this. Unfortunately like Hitler, the masses like the narrative so they don’t question and blindly follow. You only have to see what happened to the jewish people who blindly followed and look what happened. Question, persevere, know that being the manority does not make us wrong. It is scary sometimes but look how we found each other. Through what they all did with the mandates backfired on them. I never trust what I read anymore on mainstream, however I watch them closely. Happy anniversary and many more

  12. Hey Malcolm, I am super proud of what you have achieved through the Daily Telegraph. We have always been on different sides of the political divide, but this absolute madness has unified us in a way that could never have been scripted. It is crazy how we both share the exact same views, through the same clear lens when it comes to this rubbish!!! As your brother, there is no better feeling than knowing we are both on the right side of history and our children will grow up knowing their parents, their uncles and aunties and their grandparents stood tall in the face of extreme adversity. Unfortunately for you (and fortunately for us), your job is just beginning. You have the legacy media to dismantle, a corrupt government to destroy and millions of kiwis who are asleep at that wheel to awaken! Happy birthday DT!!

    • Hello Son. We are always grateful for your support and your efforts along with others on the frontline of the Parliament protest

      • Can we say big ups and respect to your whole family here DTNZ? The love and support will abide you all through these tough times and it is all of you in concert who are the heroes of our people. Just goes to show family is the future of our country, you have all modelled such strong attributes and we salute your wonderful example. Thankyou so much.

  13. Counterspin, Liz Gunn, Carl Bromley, the BFD and DTNZ, are the most trustworthy sources of information and news out there. Long may you all continue !

  14. wow this is the 1st time I hear about DTNZ, happy birthday.
    I stopped reading newspapers when I realised the mainstream media is only spitting out propaganda and fear.
    now I can actually keep updated with the latest news knowing it’s not government bought or manipulated to serve an agenda.

  15. Great testamonials …the only media platform with intergrity .
    The only accredited media at live briefings are pathetic .They have never challenged Govt.
    Will govt offer an amnesty? Will ACC accept all adverse reactions claims? I fear not.Will govt trot out the new Pfizer bivalent booster. ( only tested on 8 MICE ….not humans )
    You betcha

  16. Hey, well done on the first year of your news channel! Really appreciate your news and for putting the truth out there on the important issues. Keep up the good work! Truth is important – Jesus said in John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

  17. Congratulations DTNZ. I am so glad I found this site. Before I wondered (tore my hair out) why no single news outlet flagged that we are fed clear-cut textbook-worthy propaganda by govt. DTNZ does thank goodness.
    Please continue. And please keep the nuance. The last thing we need is another outfit claiming that they are the sole source of truth.

  18. Thank you and congratulations. Thank you for your courage and giving us this media. I remember that no one…not one media outlet was going against what the government was doing during covid. I found comfort reading overseas media who spoke against the covid narrative. It was just amazing when I found DTNZ, thank you and God bless you all ????????????????????????????????

  19. Thank God you are here DT. A sane voice amongst the media that provides a true platform for free speech. You probably have no idea of just how vital you are.
    Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou. ????

  20. Happy Birthday Daily Telegraph New Zealand!! I have only just discovered this media and I don’t want to lose it. How do I subscribe and share this platform with others


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