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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Pro-trans mob smoke bomb lesbian meeting in the UK

‘The Lesbian Project’ (‘TLP’) was meeting for a workshop in Tavistock, London when an angry mob of protesters allegedly let off smoke bombs outside the venue.

TLP was established just two weeks ago. Co-founder Julie Blindel, an investigative journalist, recently wrote of her motiviations in setting up the group. She said that the ‘Rainbow flag has failed us [ie. the lesbian community]’, and that she ‘began to realise that the word “lesbian” was yet again becoming a dirty one, as many gay men and trans activists accused us of bigotry for seeking out our own spaces and setting boundaries.’

A first workshop was set up to meet in London, for members to get together and discuss the future of the fledgling organisation. Tennis icon Martina Navratilova (also a co-founder) agreed to be its patron.

Pro-trans activists gathered outside the building where they beat drums, chanted and let off sirens, challenging attendees to come out. ‘They have come to violate our space and teach us a lesson in compliance’, tweeted ‘WomensSafetyIsNotNazism’.

‘The mob had blocked the road outside and erected tents, waiting for the attendees to come out.’

Police later arrived and the protest dissipated following reports the building was filled with smoke.

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  1. mad, mad !! The world has more pressing problems than those idiots obsessed with their own sexuality.
    Who want to know with whom they live or sleep ?? no one !!
    Women, just like ” men s club” are entitteld to their own space

  2. These perverted, mentally disturbed attention seekers will reap what they sow. It’s the beginning of the end for the trans movement. Their 15 minutes of perverted fame is in its final seconds.

  3. What has always made me laugh is why gay men put on such a stupid way of speaking, trying to make their tone kind of girly. Do they have to take trans speech lessons to qualify?


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