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Monday, October 14, 2024

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UN Peacekeepers injured as Israeli tanks breach Southern Lebanon post

The United Nations peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon, Unifil, reported that Israeli tanks forcibly entered one of its posts near the Israeli border early on Sunday morning.

According to a statement by Unifil, two Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tanks destroyed the main gate of a post in Ramyah, demanding that the peacekeepers turn off their lights. Two hours later, smoke entered the camp after rounds were fired nearby, leading to 15 peacekeepers suffering from skin irritations and gastrointestinal issues.

The IDF provided a different account, stating that the tanks approached the Unifil post while evacuating soldiers wounded by an anti-tank missile.

Two soldiers were reported seriously injured, while others sustained lesser injuries.

The IDF said that there was no threat to Unifil forces and that communication had been maintained throughout the incident.

However, Unifil described the breach of its post as a “flagrant violation of international law,” reiterating its calls for all parties to respect the safety of UN personnel.

This incident is the latest in a series of escalating encounters between Unifil and Israeli forces, as Israel continues its operations against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

Israel has urged Unifil to withdraw from the region, citing the danger posed by Hezbollah fighters, but Unifil has refused, asserting the importance of maintaining its presence.

Despite international condemnation for past incidents involving injured peacekeepers, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated calls for their removal, arguing that Unifil’s presence serves as a “human shield” for Hezbollah militants.

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  1. The j**** scums doe not want any international organization to be witness of and be able to testify of its crimes. They same j**** scum also kill journalists on purpose.
    Good of UNIFIL to hold stand. Some causes are worth to die for.

  2. Another atrocity committed by the Jewish/zionist/khazarian/globalist/communist/satanic scum of the Earth. There have been plenty over the years.
    The bolshevik revolution and the Holodomor
    Fire bombing Hamburg, Dresden etc
    The Nakba
    The King David hotel bombing
    JFK assassination
    The bombing of the U.S.S Liberty
    The mavi marmara Gaza flotilla incident
    9-11 and all major terror attacks
    To name just a few.

  3. Here we have had both the U.N. and it’s ‘Peacekeepers’ ignored by the Zionist ilk that follow the Talmud which…in turn…instructs the J3w$ to kill the ‘idol worshippers’ and the Gentiles / Goyim.
    The Israeli Zionist, in their plan to marginalise White People in the developed nations, have enslaved the same via usury, the Noahide Law Banking System, and AIPAC donations to politicians for political influence.
    The J3w$ will scarifice their own for the ‘greater good of Israel’.
    AND…this is the appreciation shown to those nations that send BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to Israel every year…
    Oh, & BTW…the Israeli Mossad did 9/11…
    The gutless nations of the ‘Free West’ will do nothing to stop the genocides in the Middle East…
    The Moslem Nations will continue to cower…
    And once Israel is finished with the plan of Greater Israel in the Middle East AND IN KHAZARIA (Ukraine), they will be coming for those that supported and funded Israel!
    Israelis are NOT the Israelites., and John Hagee and his ‘Evangelical Israeli-supporting mob’ can go straight to hell for endorsing the genocide by remaining silent on one of the greatest crimes against humanity and praising Israel, AIPAC, the ADL, ACLU and the SPLC…ALL doing the bidding of the Globally-entrenched Zionist Mossad Networks!
    Now is the time to quit going to ‘Church’…
    Tried to find the book online titled ‘Stasi in the Pews’, but J3wTube erased it…

  4. I find the idea of UN “peacekeepers” in Lebanon strange when those same “peacekeepers” have made and make no attempt to stop Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel. It seems to be that the UN placed the “peacekeepers” there in order to be “sacrificial lambs” in order to complicate the situation and make it worse than it needs to be. In addition, Israel warned them to move away from Hezbollah areas and they refused.

    What is the UN really playing at?
    What is the use of “peacekeepers” on the ground if all they do it watch and observe? That could be done from satellites.


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