A cargo plane flying above Auckland in June 2022 came dangerously close to engine failure and a potential crash after its crew failed to activate a critical fuel pump, according to a report released by the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) today.
The Boeing 737, en route from Sydney, landed safely at Auckland International Airport despite running perilously low on fuel in its main tanks. The TAIC attributed the oversight to crew distraction during pre-flight checks, caused by last-minute runway changes and an impending curfew.
The incident was compounded by non-compliance with regulatory flight-planning standards, including inadequate weather updates and improper alternate aerodrome planning.
The TAIC warned that had poor weather forced the plane to circle before landing, the main tanks could have run dry, leading to engine failure. It criticised both the crew for failing to follow checklist procedures and Airwork Flight Operation Limited for inadequate operational support. Since the incident, Airworks has updated pre-flight checklist protocols, improved crew training, and enhanced communication of weather updates to avoid similar risks in the future.
Image credit: Dan Lohmar