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Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Right to Life NZ

Right to Life NZ (Inc.) advocate for the protection of unborn children and those whose lives are increasingly threatened by expanding euthanasia. Right to Life NZ believe all human beings are created in God's image and have a right to life from conception until natural death. They also oppose embryonic stem cell research and all artificial manipulation of the human genome.

Health NZ applauded for protecting unborn children!

Right to Life commends and supports Health NZ’s new health initiative to protect unborn children from the devastating effects to their health resulting from...

Prime Minister, stop the killing of God’s precious infants!

If we cannot trust the Prime Minister to protect our unborn children, then why should we trust him to protect us? How can he, as...

March for Life 2024 – Parliament must stop war against women and their unborn!

Right to Life with other pro-life groups supported the annual National March for Life on Saturday 7th December. The first annual March was in 2017....

Is the government really sincere in preventing the torture and abuse of children in state care?

Right to Life asks the Prime Minister: Why is he, his government and parliament still in denial about the torture and killing of unborn...

Why does the government fund doctors to assist the suicide of vulnerable patients?

The Ministry of Justice has released the provisional suicide statistics for New Zealand for the year ending 30th June 2024. The total is 617 suicides,...

Are vulnerable patients victims of wrongful death?

Right to Life is alarmed at the warnings from Dr Greville and Dr Wensley, previously members of the End of Life Choice Act Review...

Government funded torture of unborn children in state care supported by media silence!

Right to Life asks when will the government cease the torture and killing of unborn children? We make no apology for speaking up in defence...

Is the government genuinely serious about preventing suicide?

Suicide is self-murder, it is intrinsically evil, it is part of the culture of death, and it is always wrong and is never justified. Suicide...

Right to Life challenges International Safe Abortion Day 28 September!

Today the most dangerous place for a New Zealander is in its mother’s womb. Every child is a unique and unrepeatable miracle of God’s loving...

Marriage –God’s plan for procreation!

The marriage of exclusively one man and one woman, as conceived by our Creator, is the foundation of a sound and just society, so...
