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Saturday, March 29, 2025

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‘Roe v Wade – A Victory for a Culture of Life’

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Roe v Wade news

Dear Sir,

Right to Life welcomes the six to three decision of the United States Supreme Court to overturn the notorious Roe v Wade decision of 1973.

The overthrow of Roe v Wade acknowledges the right of States to legislate to protect women from the violence of abortion and their unborn children from being killed before birth. There are 19 States that would ban abortion and 7 that would severely restrict abortion.

The Roe v Wade decision written by Justice Harry Blackmun in 1973 constitutes one of the most unjust decisions ever made by the Court, It was badly decided, violated the Constitution of the United States, had no basis in the law or history of the United States or in English Common Law. International law is silent on abortion and there is no human right to abortion.

The Roe v Wade decision unleashed on the United States a 49 year reign of terror of violence on women and their unborn. Since 1973 more than 64 million unborn children in the United States have been poisoned, sucked out of their mother’s womb or been violently dismembered, this was a violation of human rights and a crime against humanity.

The overthrow of Roe v Wade is a victory for a culture of life and a defeat for the culture of death, it recognises that the unborn child is a human being endowed with a right to life, deserving of respect and protection. The repercussions will reverberate throughout the world including New Zealand. This overthrow will herald a new age of respect for women and for their precious unborn who are created in the image and likeness of their Creator.

Right to Life is committed to continue campaigning for legal recognition of the unborn child as a human being endowed with a right to life from implantation and for the repeal of the extremist anti-life Abortion Legislation Act 2019.

We need to show that we can create a world where we can love children and not kill them. A world where adoption is always a better option, a world where we care for women and their children. This is our opportunity to make the grisly performance of abortion like slavery unthinkable in a civilised modern society.

Ken Orr,
Right to Life

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  1. I rarely watch TVNZ but I did for a few minutes today. Just lies and moisinformation spread to NZ public.

    TVNZ claims that the US supreme court has banned abortions. This is a lie. The US supreme court decision simply places the matter back to the public in variuous states who can make their own law on this. This is not a ban.

    All our woke leaders in our het kingdom condemned. This matter is nothing to do with us. We make our own laws. Currently we have puppet leaders who work agents for the deep state, who made bad laws but we have to do our own fight. “My body my choice” does not apply to vaccine even though it is “At least two bodies” in the abortion case and not “my body”.

    There are so many things wrong in our country. We will be soon piushed into sinaphobia and we will all forget our problkems and “fight for our security” as we will be told by the MSM. We will be made much poorer and our real good food will be shifted to US/EU for the junk arms and war machinery systems we are going to buy. 10 billion dollars defense expenditure is pushed on our heads. Our poor will be eating manufactured food made in asia instead. Many wont even be able to afford such food and the child poverty levels will go up further. Jacind/Luxon, it does not matter.

  2. The indignant seething over ALL of NZ radio today has been absolute ear cancer.

    “But rape… but incest… but my body my choice…”

    All the weak old “gotcha” cliches, sometimes within the first 5 mins of their segment. Suddenly bodily autonomy is a thing again and only women can get pregnant so “men need to shut the hell up” (very confusing in the same week the herald is doing articles about pregnant “dads”).

    No one wants to talk about the horrific act of abortion itself (google it sometime), no one mentions the trauma a woman experiences going through it, no one wrings their hands at the plight of women who don’t want the procedure but are pressured into it by their embarrassed parents or married boyfriends. No one mourns the innocent child murdered (and yes, a baby born of rape is STILL innocent of said rape), nobody cares about all the orphans in foster care who are basically being told THEYRE the reason abortion should exist and that their lives are basically a mistake.

    But at least I get to hear how “shocked” and “worried” all those vacuous liberal white women in Taranaki are about their precious legally protected right to murder their offspring and continue to slut around.

    God help us all ????????

  3. Those hoes haven’t been told ‘No’ for a long long time and they are not taking it well, I also see and hear good liberal hoes using the Ni**er word a lot when talking about Clarance Thomas, it seems minorities are just an accessory for the hoe to use.


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