Tingjun Cao, 53, who is on trial for the murder of Christchurch real estate agent Yanfei Bao, stormed out of the courtroom today, accusing a witness of lying.
Bao, 44, went missing on July 19 last year, and the Crown alleges she was killed by Cao after arriving to show him a house in Hornby. During today’s hearing Cao left in frustration after his lawyer’s cross-examination, with his translator stating that real estate agent Steven Golding, a witness in the trial, was not telling the truth.
The court heard that an open home was held at the property where Bao was allegedly stabbed to death, four days after her disappearance.
The Crown claims Cao lured Bao to the house under the pretense of having a buyer, attacked her, and disposed of her body.
Bao’s remains were found 12 months after her disappearance, and Cao was caught at Christchurch International Airport attempting to flee to Shanghai shortly after the alleged murder.
The trial had been delayed earlier after Cao requested not to be present in court.
Cao alledgedly lured Bao to the house under the pretense of having a buyer, which surely is evidenced, alledgedly attacked her, and disposed of her body. Bao’s remains were found 12 months after her disappearance, and Cao was caught at Christchurch International Airport attempting to flee to Shanghai shortly after the alleged murder.
So, just another murder trial.
However, the trial had been delayed earlier after -get this- Cao requested not to be present in court.
What am I missing here?
Apparently you can also just “nope” out of a murder trial and leave the court room? Had that been an option this whole time?
He should think himself lucky he is not being tried in China!
When China carried out executions with a bullet to the back of the head, the family of the condemned would be sent an invoice for the cost of the bullet?
At least in NZ You get to keep Your body parts
What has been alleged happens to those exploited in the sex trade trafficking when they have reached the end of their usefulness sold off as body parts and adrenochrome
Now that is ghastly
They use lethal injection for the most part, these days……you might also get life in prison and that means just that…..
“public interest journalism”
More imported problems
Probably the most accurate statement related to this case. Unfortunately we the taxpayer have to pay for it.
I can’t understand why lauren Dickason get deported while Brenton Tarrant stays. Surely just deport him as well?
All these foreigners bringing their issues here. Fruit pickers raping people, people in suitcases…….burnt out in cars……I mean yeah how is immigration actually helping us again?
The Bible says that anyone who is not ELOHEEM
Albeit the world
Worships Satan the Devil that Old Serpent
Revelation 13:8
Which includes Crescent Moons and Dragons