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Clintons backing Biden – media

Clintons - Biden news

Multiple Democratic Party stalwarts have urged the president to step aside following last month’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump.

Former US President Bill Clinton, and his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have privately thrown their weight behind Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s candidate in the November 5 presidential election, NBC News and CNN have reported, citing anonymous sources.

The 81-year-old president has been facing a growing mutiny within his own party ranks in recent weeks as an increasing number of lawmakers and donors have called on the veteran politician to abandon his bid for reelection.

Doubts as to whether Biden is fit for a second term have come to the fore in the wake of his bungled performance at last month’s CNN-hosted debate against Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. During the showdown, the incumbent repeatedly lost his train of thought, mixed up words and numbers, and struggled to finish his sentences.

On Saturday, NBC News quoted two unnamed people “familiar with the Clintons’ thinking” as saying that the two Democratic heavyweights have privately expressed support for Biden’s decision to stay in the race. They have also allegedly called on Democratic Party donors to stick with the president.

According to the media outlet, the Clintons have been “deferential” toward the incumbent head of state and offered to help his campaign in any way they can.

NBC News claimed, however, that the fact that the pair has not offered their backing publicly only goes to show how isolated Biden has become within his own party.

CNN carried a similar report on Saturday, also citing two anonymous sources, who also used the word “deferential” when describing the Clintons’ stance.

Meanwhile, NBC News estimated that the total number of opponents to a Biden ticket among Congressional Democrats had reached 35 by Friday. Such heavyweights as former President Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have reportedly expressed concerns regarding the incumbent’s chances of beating Trump in November.

A poll published by AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research on Wednesday indicated that nearly two-thirds of rank-and-file Democrats nationwide want Biden to exit the race.

The president, who is currently self-isolating after contracting Covid-19, has vowed to return to the campaign trail next week. The veteran politician has repeatedly reiterated that he is not going to drop out of the race, insisting that he is the strongest Democratic candidate to take on Trump.

NBC alleged on Friday that the president is feeling “personally hurt” and “betrayed” by the failure of some Democrats to stand behind his candidacy.

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Source:RT News

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  1. How can Bill and Hillary keep a straight face and expect the whole world not to notice Biden has lost his marbles. That someone else is running the US. The history books will not look kindly on this sham.

    Main stream media is failing because every ordinary decent person isn’t buying this nonsense any more.

  2. Hillary and Bill. Like Jack Sprat. Who could eat no fat! His wife could eat no lean, so together they licked their plater clean.


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