15.7 C
Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Majestic Princess farce – 13,800 jabs and still 800 cases

Government, Pfizer and legacy media ‘Safe and effective’ misinformation exposed yet again.

The cruise ship Majestic Princess has docked in Sydney with an estimated 800 COVID cases on board, following a 12 day tour of New Zealand.

With 4,600 crew and passengers on board, an estimated 13,800 total mRNA jabs proved completely ineffective in preventing the transmission of the virus – calculated on the basis that each person had at least three jabs.

Cases on board increased from 180 when it was docked in Auckland on 8 November, to 800 in the space of 4 days.

Most cases were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms.

A member of the ship’s staff told the BBC they would be assisting all guests who have tested positive ‘with accessing private transport and accommodation to complete their isolation period.’

The ship will soon depart for Melbourne.


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  1. Makes a complete mockery of lockdowns
    And the so called pandemic
    Absolute hypocrisy
    Hypocrisy is a lie
    Propaganda is a lie
    We have been fed a diatribe of lies

  2. My my my Aussies very own floating vaccinated Covid pandemic super spreader. Thank you for cruising with us. Come join us again for an outbreak of the squirts. Thanks to the passengers for getting your jabs, together we will stop transmission, and the spread of Covid 19???? ???? together we will make history, as being a ???? percent vaccinated vessel with the most Covid cases known to man. Clearly its safe to say we were effective ????????????????????????????


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