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Mandated nurses announce day of action for 31 August

Nurses Day of Action news

Nurses For Freedom NZ (NFFNZ) ask every kiwi concerned with the state of the health system to join them on 31 August in a nationwide Day of Action.

The action is planned to take place at a number of locations up and down the country. Information and updates can be found on the NFFNZ website.

We will be at: Palmerston North Hospital, Dunedin Public Hospital, Golden Bay (South Island), Middlemore, Warkworth (SH1 and Woodcocks Rd); Gisborne, Masterton Hospital, Tauranga Hospital. More locations will be posted here over the coming weeks and exact location’s made available the day before the protest.

In an email sent out yesterday, NFFNZ explain the event:

Historically, nurses are not great at asking for help. Like many Kiwis we just get on and do what needs to be done. On this occasion however we need the support of EVERY concerned citizen, EVERY health care colleague, EVERY person currently living in New Zealand who cares about the state of our health services.

Although mainstream media seems to have turned its attention elsewhere, New Zealand nurses, doctors and health carers are breaking and patients continue to be put at risk in an understaffed and under-resourced health system. Hospitals closing their doors, emergency departments locked. Current nurses are desperately reaching out to the media to whistleblow on unsafe and poor conditions. We have heard of government departments employing agency nurses to support their clients whilst in hospital and have seen what happens to basic patient care due to understaffing. Staff are sick and exhausted, many are carrying vaccine injuries.

This keeps us awake at night especially considering we have 621 mandated nurses, midwives and carers who could help resolve some of these issues. This is, in addition to the hundreds of other health workers who are vital to the smooth running of YOUR health system, YOUR legacy.

I’m sure you will agree, we need to stop this madness and be allowed to get on with the rest of our lives. It appears however the current government needs another gentle push to remind them who is in charge.

You can help by supporting our next Nurses National Action, 2.30pm on Weds 31st August at several venues around New Zealand. Flyer attached; please share with everyone in your inbox and on social media.

This is no longer just about the mandates. It’s about unsafe practice, it’s about exhausted and sick colleagues, it’s about each and everyone of us.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stand up and be counted.

Visit this link to find your local protest or contact us if you are willing to join us and take a stand or organise a protest in your corner of New Zealand. New venues will be added over the coming weeks.

Thank you for supporting Nurses for Freedom NZ. Thank you for caring for your fellow New Zealander. Now is the time to be strong.

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  1. I will join in Rotorua if they are there.

    There is no logic to this anymore. All medical staff should join this protest. If they did the mandates would be dropped like they did in the UK. Power in people numbers.

      • Fine then I hope the people at the nurses organisation know how to actually nurse people because if all the nurses working at the hospitals just walked out, pretty soon the pressure of not having anyone to look after patients would make them change their mind.

        It’s time for medical staff to say enough is enough. If they continue the status quo they are going to be overworked, stressed, tired and forced to take whatever vaccine the govt forces them to.

  2. The regime does not want to admit they are wrong and our healthcare system, we all pay for, is suffering the consequences. Most definitely stand with the nurses of NZ……

  3. The continued mandating of all medical professionals is entirely unscientific, unmedical, cruel, illegal, nonsensical and tyrannical.
    It is harming not only all those who can no longer practice in their respective fields and roles, but also New Zealanders who cannot benefit from their significant skills, care and support – leaving the already struggling medical system in a far more understaffed, worse, state.

    I am not a mandated medical person but I feel so strongly that what has been done to mandated medical staff is now, in a word, evil.
    Especially when we all now know, unless you have a rock for a brain or are entirely neurally polluted by MSM, that the COVID injection is not a vaccine, was never properly trialled, is outrageously expensive, only benefits Pfizer and it’s cabal of shareholders, has an extremely limited window of effectiveness in protecting people from COVID, yet is highly effective in harming people permanently, injuring and killing them.

    How Adern, Bloomfield (even though he’s left a field of carnage behind him) and Hipkins – and all those journalists and advertising companies they’ve blood money to – live with themselves is beyond me.
    I could NEVER do this to people, NEVER. My conscience would destroy me.
    That these so-called leaders and their leaches can, speaks volumes about who they are and how frighteningly little care they have for New Zealanders.
    We need our mandated medical professionals back in their professions and to also be financially restituted for their losses.
    I rue the day I ever voted for Jacinda Adern and Labour.
    Their time in office feels like a long bad dream I desperately want to wake from.

    I’d love to see a law passed, with immediate effect, that no government in power may pay any money whatsoever to any media organisation. Our country would become a far far better, more honest and accountable place, overnight.

      • Matt is getting my vote too. Awesome guy. Real leader and role model. Father, husband, former detective, farmer, businessman, former MP, volunteer firefighter, what more could we want? Lives off grid, has a BSc. Could anyone be more qualified/experienced.

        Look what he has already achieved in his 54 years!!!!


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