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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Name suppression lapses for recreation centre pervert

David Greer news
David Greer (Inset).

David Russell Harvey Greer, an autism awareness campaigner also known as David Warne, has been publicly identified following the lapse of a name suppression order.

Greer, 48, is currently serving a four-year prison sentence for photographing naked children and committing indecent acts at recreational centres. His offenses included hiding in changing rooms and covertly taking photos of children. The Nelson District Court sentenced him on multiple charges, including doing an indecent act and possessing objectionable publications.

The offending took place in public recreational facilities across the South Island, with many victims remaining unaware of what happened. The parents of one victim expressed relief at Greer’s identification, hoping it would prevent future offenses. The child’s mother emphasised the profound impact on their family and the importance of public awareness. Crown prosecutor Jeremy Cameron argued against permanent name suppression, citing the need for transparency given the public nature of Greer’s crimes.

Greer’s offenses date back to December 2018 and involved photographing young girls and boys at various facilities. He was caught after an associate handed police a copy of files from Greer’s computer showing pictures of naked children. Despite his autism, Cameron noted there was no established link between Greer’s mental health and his offenses. The case has prompted operational changes at the sports facilities involved to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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  1. Sicko.

    Of course he goes by several names.

    Amazing how all the crims and perverts are suddenly suffering autism etc isn’t it. we don’t care about your victim labels asshole. You’re a crim and I hope you get what’s coming to you in jail for ruining the lives of innocent kids. Sick F**k. 😡

  2. How many of these dirty men are hiding under the cloak of mental illness, or whatever we are permitted to call it now? This troglodyte lurker made the most of unisex changing rooms but now we know him by both his names and his photograph. This policy should be applied to all paedophiles. Name and photograph. They can’t be rehabilitated and will remain a constant danger to children. We should know who they are and if by chance they run into a wall in their hurry to leave the scene of their crime well that’s a shame and no questions asked.
    Who would ever have thought such filth would take advantage of Progressive policies where swimming pools and toilets are concerned?


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