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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Royal Commission final report: Widespread abuse in New Zealand’s care system a ‘National Disgrace’

Abuse in Care Royal Commission news

The long-awaited report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care has revealed the abuse and neglect of hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders in state- and faith-based institutions, branding it a “national disgrace.”

Over six years, the inquiry uncovered that an estimated 200,000 out of 655,000 children, young people, and adults in care from 1950 to 2019 were abused, with even more neglected.

The report detailed unimaginable physical, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse, alongside severe exploitation.

Successive government ministers, departments, and various religious organisations, including the Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches, were found at fault.

The report highlighted systemic racism, especially against Māori and Pacific peoples, and recommended official apologies, compensation, and a review of institutions and amenities named after abusers. Acknowledging the report Prime Minister Christopher Luxon described the findings as a “dark and sorrowful day” and announced a formal apology set for November 12.

In a speech to parliament Luxon said he was deep sorry and regretdul over the findings. He commended the 2,400 survivors for their exceptional strength and bravery in sharing their harrowing stories. Luxon acknowledged the severe physical, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse that occurred, particularly in institutions like Lake Alice Hospital, where treatments amounted to torture.

He apologised for the long-delayed recognition of the abuse and emphasised the state’s responsibility to support survivors and prevent future occurrences.

Luxon assured that the government would address the report’s 138 recommendations and highlighted the importance of understanding and rectifying these injustices to move forward as a nation.

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  1. That is what we’ve become, a nation of little Hittlers. People who hide behind the bureaucratic rules, in order to shut people up. Look at the MSM. They lead by example. The politicians too, it starts from the top up. Luxon needs to take a good hard look at himself.

    Luxon’s new bill I’ve only heard about, have not read anything anywhere. The new pandemic response gives complete authority to govt. Allowing no medical autonomy. Luxon is Lucinda from now on.

  2. OK, so us Kiwi’s aren’t really that nice, in fact it’s all BS that we are a bunch of fair minded egalitarian people. Obviously the bureaucratic class lead this vanguard in being well, demonic.

    Just hope we aren’t made to wait two decades to be told yep, Labour and Ardern completely screwed over us pleb class!!!

  3. And yet, while puberty blockers have been stopped in other countries we are STILL ruining kids lives by STERILISING them with these drugs. On one hand our Government apologises for abuse and on the other hand CHILDREN ARE STILL BEING ABUSED. AND IF THATS NOT BAD ENOUGH, PEOPLE ARE STILL KILLING THEIR BABIES.


  4. You’re/we’re basically share croppers. We work on the governments land, they keep a portion of the earnings.

  5. What will they say in 70 years time I wonder?
    I know someone who was a foster child, he had a pretty shitty time, really, growing up, but survived alright, kind of. I guess he was a bit damaged. He’s been in trouble with the law a couple of times and both times the court had no sympathy and received quite harsh penalties. Makes you wonder if this is a pile of s*** they’re off loading to feel good, y’know lip service. I guess that’s not fair but they’re like the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff right now.
    Whenever you listen to these types they’re always so patronising, it’s like watching Sesame Street. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think about those victims, it’s a tough world when you ain’t got no one and you’re just 5 or so. Things need to change there for sure.

    What will they say though about the everyday abuses people receive today for just trying to speak out?


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