A study of New Zealand’s fuel security, including investigating reopening the Marsden Point refinery, will soon get underway as the Coalition Government seeks to beef up the country’s resilience, Associate Energy Minister Shane Jones says.
“Ensuring New Zealand is a resilient and self-sufficient country is a priority for this government, and a secure and reliable fuel supply is critical to this.
“Since Marsden Point was mothballed by the previous government, we have relied on imports for all our liquid fuels, which leaves us completely vulnerable to international supply chain disruptions. Fuel is crucial for keeping our economy running and our communities moving.
“We need to protect ourselves from potential crises at home and overseas and to put measures in place to mitigate and manage adverse impacts.
“Through the study, we will have a clearer idea where we stand domestically and the resilience of the fuel supply chains into our country so we can make a robust plan to ensure a secure fuel supply,” said Jones.
Following a procurement process, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has appointed Envisory, with support from Castalia, to undertake the fuel security study.
The study will involve looking at New Zealand’s fuel demand forecast, engaging with stakeholders across the fuel supply chain, providing advice regarding reopening Marsden Point refinery, and mapping potential disruptions to the supply chain.
Envisory demonstrated a strong understanding of New Zealand’s fuel industry and supply chains, as well as expertise in delivering fuel security work here, according to MBIE.
“While the study will provide valuable insight in the impact of an extended fuel supply shortage and effects on domestic fuel distribution, it will specifically investigate the strategic importance of the infrastructure at Marsden Point and the role it could play in underpinning New Zealand’s fuel resilience,” said Jones.
The study is a National-NZ First coalition priority, and its findings will support the development of a fuel security plan. An interim report investigating the reopening of Marsden Point refinery is due before the end of 2024.
The Government has other work underway to increase fuel resilience, including finalising changes to the minimum fuel stockholding obligations regime, exploring options for bolstering domestic diesel resilience, and working with industry on their plans to increase jet fuel resilience at Auckland Airport.
Two wings of the same bird say to each other……let’s close NZ’s oil refinery, then conduct a study to determine how to secure a fuel supply that will keep NZ running. Sounds sensible, let’s not waste any time with this

Here’s a tip Shane – stop sucking up to the US, make NZ neutral and don’t help start WW3 with China and Russia, who have never done any harm at all to NZ.
Yes exactly, screw the globalists and apply to join BRICS and trade with Russia.
The only lounge act here is the previous government for closing down Marsden Point and pouring concrete in the pipes.
We need the bi products from making fuel for coke, beer, building and repairing roads.
If you want to protest, you are welcome to buy an electric car and refuse to travel in a petrol one. Don’t drink beer or travel on our roads made with oil.
The closing of Marsden Point by the pevious Labour Govt. was an act of total barstardry and High Treason to boot. They sold NZs sovereignty down the road to some evil outside NGO for their own beliefs and benefit and not in the interest of NZ or its poplace. They were brbed they are corrupt they never held a referendum on such a monumental decision on a small country llike NZ and its future energy needs. They all need to be tried and jailed.
Ardern again
Imagine a face with a boot on it
Locals knew about the pending closure durimg your last term Shane. So you knew what was going to happen. What did you do about it between 2017 and 2020?
How is NZF responsible for Arderns governments decisions other than going into coalition with them? you may as well blame England for starting WW2.
England did start World War Two first and foremost as they declared war on Germany, & not the other way around.
The Germans continued to press for a peace treaty with England even after going into Poland, due to Polish Separatist living in the German-populated area of Danzig (later Polish Gdansk) attacked a German-speaking radio station and killed the staff there.
The ‘Phony War’ lasted for a number of weeks while secret negotiations between England and the Germany fizzled-out.
Then, the situation went full-combat when nothing was accomplished thru dialogue and negotiations.
Hitler wanted peace with England…this is why Hess went off on a secret mission in a ME-110 to England, ending up in Scotland and later Spandau Prison for the rest of his life.
Hitler always lamented (according to Albert Speer) that it was unfortunate that he (Hitler) had to make the Yellow Race (Japan) a member of the Axis Powers, which had no European Cultural ties, which Great Britain did.
BTW, the Republic of Ireland was ready to invade Great Britain from the west had Germany invaded from the east post- ‘Adler Tag’ (Eagle Day), and had agreed as a Catholic Nation to become an ally of Nazi Germany, which was deeply steeped in Roman Catholic and occultic roots.
Yes right on, the real reason England wanted war with Germany was because they had become massively technofied and advanced than other Western powers and the only way to catch up was to create a War. (The Polish Radio Station fiasco was a MI6 job. All financed by we know who – whom financed both sides of WWII. All Wars are Bankers Wars. Around 55 – 60 plus million souls perished in that war. Imagine what the world would have been like now if Hitler had won ? Critics say the world would have been in a much better place than it is today. The people the Nazi regime were going after and suppressing are all the same ones causing all the problems today. And what do we have today ? Uprisings everywhere on migration issues endless,Middle Eastern Wars and the unprecedented provocation of Russia into a Holocaust (whom saved the Wests ass in WWII). The so called ‘Elite’ (LOL) Meglomaniacs are on a wanking green dream to save the world trying to depopulate most of the world by geo-engineering, cutting off food energy supplies and dumb down the rest with all sorts of poisons to install CBDCcs and other Draconian controls so they can have complete control. They have already killed off 20 million plus people and counting (which number will quadruple plus in the next few short years) with BS and Genocidal ‘Vaccines’. Think about it ? you call them better than Hitler and his regime ? not condoning any of his actions but Hitler was Christian and pro family believe it or not and he respected England and its Royalty. He epitomised himself as some sort of God and wanted to be part of it. Had he invaded England and won his vision was to occupy not destroy. His biggest was mistake was surrounding himself with some Extremist Military personal who were trying to please him and the regime for their own benefit. This led him to believe in their BS with wild ventures into Delusions of Granduer like the invasion of Russia. The West took over after WWII mirroring the Nazi regimes evil acts multiplied by 100 to show the World how they can mass Genocide the World on a scale that if every ant in the world was in the loop.would be aghast. There are massive internment camps in every US State and Commonwealth county now – who for ? They are for dissidents – you and me if we kick up. Need a picture painted yet ? There are 2 sides to every story and the West only want theirs to prevail. What a wonderful destopian World awaits us.
In a coalition government with Labour. So, being in coalition government you would think they were in the loop of what was in the pipeline for Marsden point. Especially being that it is both of their stomping grounds.
I moved to Whangarei at start of 2018 and heard the rumbles about closure