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Saturday, September 14, 2024

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Video surfaces of Walz aggressively yanking arm of his special needs son at DNC

Gus and Tim Walz news

A disturbing and bizarre moment was captured on camera at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) showing VP candidate Tim Walz yanking his 17-year-old son Gus’s arm to pull him on stage.

The incident, which occurred on the same night Gus was seen tearfully cheering for his father, has sparked a fierce debate online about the governor’s behaviour.

Gus, who has a nonverbal learning disorder and an anxiety disorder, was visibly emotional during his father’s speech, proudly mouthing, “That’s my dad!” as he pointed to Walz on stage. Initially, the Walz family’s display of affection drew widespread praise, with many touched by the emotional bond between father and son. However, the emergence of this video has overshadowed that moment, with viewers on social media expressing concern over what some are calling an “aggressive” gesture.

The reaction on X has been critical, interpreting the video as a troubling sign of the governor’s true character.

One user tweeted, “Tim Walz yanking his special needs son around in front of millions watching is really disturbing. All that good dad nonsense is a HOAX.”

Another comment read, “Is it just me or did Tim Walz aggressively yank his son last night on stage? Seems like he could be a very different person behind closed doors…”

Walz’s office has yet to issue a statement addressing the incident.

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  1. An awkward moment. Tim Walz with his dingbat wife look pretty stressed. Personally I think he doesn’t deserve such admiration from his doting son and daughter. But it wasn’t just a gentle nudge or tug to get to move a little bit faster was it? Looks like years of discontent there, bit sad really. He should be showing his pride for his son, not like that.

  2. Why wouldn’t the happy family be fake? Literally every single thing else about the Democrats is fake.

    Fake news

    Fake economics

    Fake elections

    A fake president

    And now a fake black woman who has literally never won an election but somehow got installed as VP and now once again as the DNC nominee.

  3. Freak Show
    Walz has been selected to portray and project the image of a country bumkin type to counter JD Vance
    Where in effect Walz is a hard core communist and dirt bag
    Wolf in sheep’s clothing
    The blind leading the blind into the ditch

  4. Walz is clearly a disgraceful nasty a*shole.

    Sadly the indoctrinated deluded ‘progressive’ woke lefty cretins will vote for him anyway.


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