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Monday, October 21, 2024

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Right to Life NZ
Right to Life NZhttps://www.righttolife.org.nz/
Right to Life NZ (Inc.) advocate for the protection of unborn children and those whose lives are increasingly threatened by expanding euthanasia. Right to Life NZ believe all human beings are created in God's image and have a right to life from conception until natural death. They also oppose embryonic stem cell research and all artificial manipulation of the human genome.

Government funded torture of unborn children in state care supported by media silence!

Abortion opinion
Image supplied.

Right to Life asks when will the government cease the torture and killing of unborn children?

We make no apology for speaking up in defence of the more than 600 000 defenceless and innocent unborn children who were tortured and murdered while in the care of the state since 1978. Their only crime was being “unwanted”. Their wounded mothers are the second victims who were often abandoned and coerced into believing that they had no other choice.

Why is there a deafening and overwhelming silence from the main stream media?

It is indefensible that these innocent and defenceless children are subject to excruciating pain as they are poisoned or sucked out of their mother’s womb or violently dismembered. It is simply unbelievable that these children are not given any pain relief before they are executed.

New Zealand is a signatory to the United Nations Convention Against Torture & Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. New Zealand signed the treaty on 10th December, 1984.

Right to Life questions the government in claiming to have an outstanding record in upholding and protecting human rights and in complying with the UN Convention against torture.

Commendably, the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon, Christopher Luxon, will make a public apology on 12th November 2024, for the torture inflicted on 200 children at the Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital in the 1970s and 1980s.

Right to Life asks the Prime Minister, if he is appalled by the torture of children at Lake Alice Hospital, why is he also not appalled by the torture and killing of defenceless unborn children funded by his government as a “reproductive health choice”?

Torture is illegal in New Zealand. It is prohibited in the NZ Crimes of Torture Act 1989. Upon conviction for breaching this law, a person may be imprisoned for a term not exceeding 14 years.

It is also outlawed in the NZ Bill of Rights Act 1990.Everyone has the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel or degrading treatment.

Right to Life asks why does our government then allow and fund the torture and killing of defenceless unborn New Zealanders? The government inflicts this injustice on our own children under the pretence that our children before birth are not human beings and do not have a right to life until they are born. Because they are not human beings, therefore, they may be tortured and violently killed before birth.

It was the Abortion Legislation Act 2020, designed by Dame Jacinda Ardern, which enshrined the legal fiction that unborn children are not human beings with a right to life until they are born. This was done in deliberate defiance of the Royal Commission on Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion 1977.

Right to Life reminds the government that the Royal Commission on Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion, reported to Parliament in 1977, that human life begins at conception.

“From implantation to birth, changes which take place in the unborn child are of a developmental nature only. There are no changes of a qualitative nature.” “The unborn child as one of the weakest, the most vulnerable and most defenceless forms of humanity, should receive protection”.

Right to Life asks the government : When are you going to establish a Royal Commission to investigate the state-funded torture and killing of more than 600,000 unborn children since 1978, in the care of the state?

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