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Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Audible Audiobooks

Amazon’s Audible is a paid service which allows you to listen to books, podcasts and much more. Also included in the product range are meditation programmes, Audible originals and tracks to help you sleep. Audible offers a choice of two subscriptions:

Audible Plus

Audible Premium Plus

Both subscriptions come with a 30 day free trial. Discounts are available if you pay the full year up front.

Audible Plus

With Audible Plus you pay a monthly fee of around US$7.95 for unlimited access to Audible Originals, audiobooks, sleep tracks, meditation programmes and podcasts.

Audible Premium Plus

Audible Premium Plus comes with everything in Audible Plus, plus one title per month from an extended selection of new titles and best sellers. Audible Premium Plus normally retails at around US$14.95 per month.

Amazon Prime Members

If you’re already an Amazon Prime member you get an additional special offer if you sign up for Audible – two premium selection titles with a 30 days Audible Premium Plus trial.

Audible Originals

Audible Originals are exclusive to Audible, and include audiobooks and podcasts. You won’t find these titles anywhere else, bestsellers such as Francey Hakes’ Midwest Monster, and The Big Lie by John Mankiewicz. How do I sign up? You can sign up and see current Audible plan pricing here.

Ad Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio

Sign up for Audible

From Amazon.com

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