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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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New gender identity law makes Californian schools ‘unsafe for millions of children’

SAFETY Act, California news
Gavin Newsom (Inset).

The SAFETY Act has sparked a fierce debate, with some arguing it protects vulnerable children and others claiming it paves the way for harmful medical interventions without parental knowledge or consent.

Critics like best-selling author Michael Shellenberger warn that the law endangers children by hiding their gender transitions from parents, potentially leading to irreversible medical treatments. In a tweet to his 1 million followers, Shellenberger stated:

“I’m afraid I have some terrible news. The governor of America’s largest and richest state has just signed a law that puts 10 million children and adolescents in grave danger of medical mistreatment. The media headlines have it wrong. They claim that California Governor Gavin Newsom’s new law protects children by stopping public schools from outing their new gender to their parents. It does just the opposite. It makes children vulnerable to irreversible and lifelong medical abuse and mistreatment. And it is all based on the pseudoscientific idea that some children are born into the wrong bodies and that we can change a person’s sex through drugs and surgery.”

Shellenberger compared the situation in California to recent developments in Britain, where government-appointed pediatrician Dr. Hillary Cass found it unethical to block puberty, give opposite-sex hormones, and perform surgeries on children. The British government subsequently banned puberty blockers nationwide.

“The new law creates the grave risk that activist teachers, students, and outside groups will convince their children that they were born into the wrong body, and hide their “social transition” from parents, which will lead to harmful medical mistreatment.

“As such, the law that Newsom just signed is the opposite of what both children and their parents need. We need schools to immediately warn parents if their children think they are the opposite sex.

“This is an outrageous attack on the rights of children and parents. Children have a right to go through puberty. No adult should be able to block their puberty. And parents have a right to know if their child thinks that they are the opposite sex or were born into the wrong body.”

Musk relocates SpaceX and X headquarters to Texas in response

Meanwhile Elon Musk announced the relocation of SpaceX and X company headquarters from California to Texas in response to Newsom’s gender law.

Musk said the law was the “final straw” following a series of legislative measures he believes undermine family and corporate stability in California.

“Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas,” Musk stated.

The billionaire also revealed plans to shift X’s headquarters from San Francisco to Austin, Texas, criticising San Francisco’s social issues, including homelessness and crime. Musk has previously relocated Tesla’s headquarters from Palo Alto to Austin in 2021 and moved his personal residence to Texas in 2020, attributing these decisions to escaping what he calls the “woke mind-virus” of coastal liberalism and benefiting from favorable tax conditions.

This move is not Musk’s first clash with California’s progressive policies. He has been vocal about his opposition to child sex changes and has expressed concerns about the influence of liberal ideologies on his family. Musk’s biographer, Walter Isaacson, detailed how Musk blamed his transgender daughter’s school for her estrangement from him and her radical political views.

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  1. Anyone telling a child, “it’s okay, just don’t tell your parents 😉” clearly has ill intentions.

    Those so-called law makers are playing with fire.

    • Actually, the first thing I noticed about abusers is that they will say “you are not to talk about this!”
      It may be years before the memory surfaces, part of the hypno🐍🐍i 🐍.
      ‘Education’, along with ‘healthcare’, seems to be rife with the P.M.C. of techno -rats 🐀

  2. Anybody who is suggesting kids to keep secrets from their parents is just pure evil, they need to end up behind bars after a long trial proving to the world just how evil they are.


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