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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Olympic ‘Christ’ to sue critics

French DJ Barbara Butch has taken legal steps against online abuse after the opening ceremony of the Games sparked major controversy.

Barbara Butch, the French DJ who performed during the Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony, has filed a legal complaint after receiving a wave of abuse online. The local LGBTQ community icon claims to have received numerous threats.

The activist at the center of the storm over the opening ceremony performance at the 2024 Paris Olympics that critics claim mocked “The Last Supper” took to Instagram earlier this week to announce having become “the target of yet another – particularly violent – cyber harassment.”

Butch’s lawyer, Audrey Msellati, issued a letter announcing the filing of “several complaints against these acts, whether committed by French nationals or foreigners.” Her client “intends to prosecute anyone who tries to intimidate her in the future,” the document reads.

The complaint was filed with the Paris prosecutor’s office, which is expected to decide whether a formal police investigation is warranted, The Associated Press first reported on Tuesday.

The prosecutor’s office reportedly confirmed receiving Butch’s complaint, and told the news agency that a police unit that specializes in fighting hate crimes was tasked to investigate the issue. The police probe is expected to focus on “discriminatory messages based on religion or sexual orientation that were sent to her or posted online,” the office said.

Butch, a self-proclaimed “love activist”, wore a silver headdress that resembled a halo while flanked by drag artists, dancers and others during the controversial opening ceremony scene alleged to have mocked “The Last Supper.”

Christians from across the world have protested against the Paris organizers’ decision to conclude the opening ceremonies with a scene resembling Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper.’ The Renaissance painter’s famous depiction of Jesus Christ and his apostles was seen as reimagined as a Bacchanalia involving drag queens, homosexuals and transsexuals.

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Source:RT News

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  1. When proven unsuccessful via massive public criticism, then these pigs use Lawfare to try and silence their critics.
    Countersue the fat bagel-eating pig!!!
    She knew what she was doing, how to execute it, and then lawyers-up for being ‘persecuted’.
    This is what they do in their attempt to silence criticism, just as it’s now a crime to criticise Israel for Genocide in Palestine, or in calling out the J3w$ for their crimes of the last 2,000 years by being labeled as ‘antisemitic’ when presenting the evidence of the same!

    • Just wait and see how the courts end up clogged up with capricious cases in NZ when nasty National push through Liebours HATE SPEECH laws. Already priming their porker pals, to arrest people.

  2. “Leslie Barbara Butch was born at the Marie-Louise Clinic in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, where her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were born before her.[8] Her mother, a secretary, was Ashkenazi Jewish, and her father, a house painter, was of Moroccan heritage, and she grew up in a traditional Jewish family.[9][10] She grew up in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, studied music theory, piano, Brazilian percussion and guitar in her teens, and created her own mixtapes and recorded cassettes. The Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs israélites de France (Jewish Guides and Scouts of France) was a key part of her life during those years.[8] Later, she started going to Pulp, a leading Parisian club hosting lesbian parties.[8] – Wikipedia

  3. The police probe is expected to focus on “discriminatory messages based on religion or sexual orientation that were sent to her or posted online”‘ what about the religions or sexual orientations, and people in general she has offended… I guess normal people dont matter.

  4. It’s worth remembering that some of these transgenders are biological males who take chemicals in order to grow female breasts. They have no intention of becoming a woman. They want to remain something in-between. Some of them are open about worshipping Baphomet, the demonic entity that has male genitals, female breasts and goat horns. They really are trying to emulate the entity that they worship.

  5. I saw a photo recently although I cannot find a link to it showing that obese trans in the blue dress with what looks like a spiky sun or crown behind. Apparently, it is the crown of Lucifer. Another trans to the left in a silver dress is holding a sacrificial sword. The child in the picture is being encouraged to give a hand signal that gives consent to a sacrificial act by Lucifer. If anybody can find a good link, post it in a reply.

  6. Sorry sweetheart, when there’s a break down in law and order, the law will be no good to you, you will find out that people will make their own law’s, and you as sure as hell can’t run from it.

  7. Supported by satanist corporations who own the governments of the world, and the police and juduciary.
    Shes got a strong case….

  8. What on earth has that blob got to do with the most elite athletes in the world. I see the pushback has begun in the UK. Hope it spreads to the nation’s leaders who are not serving the people.


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