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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Pope sorry for ‘homophobic slur’ – Vatican

Pope Francis news

The Holy See has walked back the pontiff’s alleged “offensive” comments.

The Holy See has officially apologized to anyone who took offense at a term Pope Francis reportedly used to describe behaviour at Catholic seminaries.

During a closed-door conference with Italian bishops last week, the pontiff states his opposition to gay men enrolling in seminaries, as there is too much “frociaggine” (Italian for “faggotry”) there already, several Italian outlets reported on Monday.

Following an outcry papal spokesman Matteo Bruni issued a statement on Tuesday explaining that “The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others,” .

“Pope Francis is aware of the recent articles regarding a closed-door conversation with the bishops of the CEI. As he has stated on many occasions, ‘There is room for everyone in the Church, for everyone! No one is useless; no one is superfluous; there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone’,” Bruni added.

Outlets La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera, among others, quoted unnamed Italian bishops who said the pope had used the term “jokingly,” while justifying the Vatican’s ongoing ban on gays in the priesthood.

The current pontiff was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Argentina, and grew up speaking Spanish as his native language. When the 87-year-old uses Italian, he “often speaks informally, jokes using slang and even curses in private,” according to AP.

Since 2005, the Vatican has banned persons who “practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called gay culture” from enrolling in seminaries or getting ordained as clergymen. A document recently adopted by the Italian bishops’ conference has reportedly sought to redefine the ban by mandating celibacy instead. Unlike some Orthodox clergy, Roman Catholic priests are forbidden from marrying.

Pope Francis has been known for LGBT outreach since the start of his papacy in 2013, from ministering to transgender Catholics to allowing priests to bless same-sex couples. In an interview last year, he argued that homosexuality was “not a crime” – but maintained that Catholicism regarded it as a sin, just like any sex outside of marriage.

Just last month, however, the Roman Catholic Church denounced surrogacy and so-called “gender-affirming” surgery as being on par with abortion and euthanasia.

Image credit: Ashwin Vaswani

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Source:RT News

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  1. Religion itself was created by homosexuals so they would always have a chokehold over everyone else. The most successful form of mind control ever invented. Now, they have new ‘weapons’ – needles and gene-changing chemical concoctions. All the kids currently getting these ‘covid’ jabs will likely turn homosexual by puberty. Watch.

  2. Vicarius Filli Dei , when converted from Roman Numerals, = 666
    Tu Est Otra Christus = You are another (Anti=’in place of’) Christ!
    These are the Oaths of the Papacy..!
    Remember, these are the same people who;
    1. Instigated and perpetrated the Inquisition / torture of ‘non-believers’;
    2. Omitted various Books from the ‘Holy’ Bible that was written by men’
    3. Imposed mandatory and compulsory worship of the ‘Holy Roman Mother Church’ under the threat of death for not attending;
    4. Imprisoned people for eating red meat on Fridays;
    5. Burned accused witches and warlocks at the stake;
    6. Waged Holy Wars against innocent people;
    7. Imposed taxes for the benefit of the ‘church’ at 10%;
    8. Has become one of the three Tri-Lateral methods of political, economic and religious control via Israeli-trained Law Enforcement modus-ops as currently being seen in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
    The Cat-Holic Church is quiet on the genocides in 2024, just as it was in 1944!
    9. Supported the Right Wing Terror Groups in Croatia and Eastern Europe who fought alongside the German SS and their Sonde Kommandoes during World War Two.
    Bottom line- after reading ‘Stasi in the Pews’, it’s best to stay away from the ‘churches’ as the FBI has also infiltrated the same, and has gone public with the church goers of all denominations portrayed as being ‘Potential Terrorists’ despite the fact that the ‘Mother Church’ perpetrates the mission of the NWO Globalists under Tri-Lateralism.

    • U are totally right, nasty kind the catholics. !!
      While the protestants commited genocide on the US indians, introduced slavery and race segregation in the USA and south africa; Extermintated most of the native australian Aboriginals and also introduced race discrimination.
      More or less the same with the Maori?

      That is what “chistianity” has produced. Nothing to be proud about


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