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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Watch: Nigerian Official Daniel Pondei Fake Faints After Being Questioned About Missing Funds

The acting managing director of the Niger Delta Development (NDDC), Daniel Pondei, an accused government official, was clearly struggling to explain where the money intended for development went.

After being accused of misusing public funds, a government official from the African country of Nigeria, who was testifying before a committee made up of MPs, feigned fainting, just to be left alone, local media reported.

The unfortunate official pretended to be sick while being questioned, causing the committee to adjourn the meeting early. After he “fainted,” the lawmakers sprung into action, with one trying to stop him from choking.

Funny enough, some social media users began to discuss the attempts of those who came to the aid of the official to give him first aid: one man began to vigorously massage Pondei’s shoulders, while the other apparently tried to keep his tongue from sinking into his throat by apparently stretching his mouth.

“Nah but first of all what type of first aid is this please?” wrote one user, while another replied by saying: “The kind to detect fake faints.”

After the incident, with the assistance of a police officer, the failed malingerer was led from the room. The official was charged with stealing 536,000,000 Nigerian naira (about $1.28 million).

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