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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Mass brawl at Papakura High School

Papakura High School brawl news

The South Auckland high school went into lockdown during the confrontation between students on 24 August.

A total of eight students were suspended and a further 23 were stood down.

School principal Simon Craggs told legacy MSM that measures were swiftly put in place after the brawl to ensure student and staff safety. These included onsite security and increased senior staff presence.

There was no indication at this stage that any weapons had been used, although two students received minor injuries and none required hospital treatment.

@rawiri.la #papakurahighschool #police #policecar #schoollife #rip #fyp#foryoupage #fypシ #fyp #papakura #southauckland ♬ Dark beach_ – jadaa&lt3

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  1. Another reason to home school, and / or to ‘go bush’ just like Mr. Phillips and his three children have!
    Good question Keith; are there any white kids involved? If so, they are probably the victim(s).
    Maori and Pacific Culture is rich in survival skills and customs; why in the hell they have to adopt Hip Hop Gangsta Rap lifestyles from Los Angeles, Chicongo and NYC is beyond me.
    As the black Rev. James Manning pointed out in his video ‘The Problem with Black Folk’, he makes mention that black people in Africa never built one boat that was seaworthy! Never anything out of stone.
    Maori, Maoriori, and Pacificans built Wakas that could withstand typhoons! They navigated celestially w/o sextants, and constructed their Marae for their extended Whanau with skill and craftsmanship.
    So I ask myself; ‘why do these people need to adopt a mal-adaptive lifestyle, culture and victimisation that emanates from the inner cities of the U.S.A. that is filled with crime, murder, and rap songs that advocate violence, etc.???
    It’s these very behaviours, social contexts and presentations that marginalises and disenfranchises.
    Change the patterns, and become successful, even if the 38% unemployment rate continues unabated! At least there will be pride in oneself, one;s culture, and one’s Whanau and Marae!

  2. Young brown people again! and I will say this is all about culture, not their culture but Black American culture they have adopted and it is mostly the lyrics in what is Gangster Nigga rap music and how that culture resolves conflict, that shit needs to be driven underground and demonetised but the people that promote critical theory will not do that because having out of control street apes running amok is part of promoting and progressing their agenda.

    • Exactly…and,
      The ‘Entertainment Industry’ is hand-in-hand with the J3wi$h-owned ‘media’…destroying Gentile Goyim society using total war via total resourcing of any and all available weapons, including civil disruptions and mind control (Operation Mockingbird).
      When you read the ANTIFA Red Book from the 1930’s you’ll find the same modus operandis mentioned in the book being applied almost 100 years later!!
      The Zionists-controlled ‘media’ and E.I. are responsible for the promotion of the ‘nigga’ scenarios that are destroying many nations from the inside out.
      See Rev James Manning’s videos titled ‘The Problem with Black Folk’ and…’Black People Are the Most Racists’.


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