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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Charles becomes new British monarch

Prince Charles news

The eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II has assumed the crown after her death.

The former Prince Charles is now the King of the United Kingdom following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth II in Scotland on Thursday.

The long-serving heir apparent takes over the monarchy at the age of 73, assuming ownership of her title and role as head of the Commonwealth, as well as her land and property. His longtime companion Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, becomes queen consort.

Queen Elizabeth II’s “loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world,” the newly-ascended King wrote in an official statement released by Buckingham Palace on Thursday. “During this period of mourning and change, my family and I will be comforted and sustained by our knowledge of the respect and deep affection in which The Queen was so widely held.”

The prince’s official website redirects audiences to the main Royal Family site, which has been temporarily replaced with a screen memorializing Queen Elizabeth II and hinting at the “appropriate changes” being made to reflect the new leadership.

The eldest of the queen’s four children with her late husband Prince Philip, Charles has reportedly opted to take the name Charles III for his official monarchic title. Next in line for succession is Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, Charles’ elder son with the late Princess Diana.

As a member of the royal family, Charles is strongly discouraged from meddling in UK politics, and has exercised his influence via philanthropy instead, founding, sponsoring, or donating to hundreds of charities and NGOs. Among his pet causes are environmental “sustainability” and the preservation of classic architectural styles.

Queen Elizabeth died at her Scottish residence Balmoral Castle as the longest-serving monarch in British history with 70 years on the throne. She had been placed under “medical supervision” shortly before her death.

Her last official act was appointing Liz Truss as prime minister of the UK.

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Source:RT News
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    • Yes, the descent into republicanism is nearly complete.

      Imagine, our new President could be “Her Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal kaiārahi nui Doctor Jacinda Ardern whaea, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the just and proper in The Pacific in General and New Zealand in Particular”. Oh, I forgot the “for Life” part.
      I wonder where her palace would be?

      • In a republic, no one is above law and the country will have a constitution. It is up to the people to make sure that human rights etc are stoned in the constitution.

        Under a monarchy, Queen and representatives are above law. Queen did not pay any taxes nut rather got 400 million dollars to maintain her wealth (which is provately owned and not government owned.

        When the city of London globlaists used the Australian Governor General to dismiss the Whitlam Government, the powers Queen were used illegally.

        No need for figure head in a republic. A consitutional court will do a better jon than a “governor general”.

        Jabsinda is not a factor in a constitutional republic and no one is above law. Mandates would have sttruck down in a republic.

    • I guess not enough people have expressed their intense dislike for that pomous oaf. The true successor should be Anne who is exactly like her mother humble, sensible and decent.

    • Pretty sure William has already been through the Globohomo recruitment and orientation process. Only pure evil could make a person lose all their hair like that ????

  1. RiP Queen Elizabeth and sympathies to her family.

    BUT Charles and Camilla as King and Queen. Climate change deception on steroids coming at us all. That pompous git is not fit to rule

    • Another conspiracy theory raises its head. The Queen of England is not dead, I’m listening to her right now. Kate Bush will live forever. ????

    • Yes rainbows in the sky for Elizabeth II, after all she pushed for civil unions and the like and so reflected the deep seated rottenness in the Church of England. Like daughter like mother as our Catholic friends say

    • Well that might be up for debate, as it was under her reign a Pope first visited England. Not only that, it was a state welcome. Henry the Eighth would have been spinning in his grave to see his “Royal Ancestor” saying nothing about the Church, of which she was the defender, permitting the sanction of same sex marriage and homosexual clergy. Champion of God.? I don’t think so…

      • While Henry’s motives are open to question, Elizabeth the 1st and Elizabeth the II were very different people. One stood on God’s Word and saw off the Spanish Armada and the Pope, and the other quietly swept it under the carpet and let all manner of sickness befall it.

        That Elizabeth II was a great advocate and servant of the Commonwealth peoples is true. That the Anglican/English Church utterly collapsed during her tenure is also true.

        I see in Charles a new Blackadder series.

    • Do not underestimate Liz Trash. Several million poounds will be spent on celeberating the legacy and the new king. All MSM and politicians will join together and make this a huge diversion from reality. Hundreds of billions will be spent on a monument or public space of some sort.


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