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‘Vast majority’ of international community supports Russia – Lavrov

Russia news
Russian FM Sergey Lavrov and UNGA chair Csaba Korosi in New York, September 21, 2022 © RIA Novosti/MFA Russia.

The Russian FM says the collective West is clinging to its dream of unipolarity, which is gone forever.

The main cause of the worsening situation in the world is the “persistent desire of the West led by the United States to ensure its global dominance,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday in an exclusive interview with Newsweek. This endeavor is “impossible for obvious reasons,” Lavrov added.

“Those whom we believed to be trustworthy economic partners have chosen illegitimate sanctions and a unilateral break-off of business ties,” Lavrov told the magazine, referring to the US and EU.

Lavrov, who is in New York this week for the 77th UN General Assembly, also discussed the impact of the Western embargo on the Russian economy – and their own. The sanctions appear to be a double-edged sword, he said, as “increasing prices and decreasing incomes are seen in many European countries, as well as energy shortages and threats of social upheaval.”

The routine benefits of civilization become the privilege of the rich. This is the price that ordinary citizens pay for the anti-Russian policy of the ruling elites.

Affordable Russian energy had enabled EU industry to compete with American companies, but “it looks like this will not be the case anymore, and it has not been our choice,” Lavrov told Newsweek. “If people in the West want to act to the detriment of their own interests, we cannot keep them from doing that.”

After the West wrecked what took decades to build practically overnight, “I do not think that in the foreseeable future they will be able to restore their credibility as business counterparts,” Lavrov said.

Russia will “continue working with those partners who are ready for equal, mutually beneficial cooperation, who have not been affected by anti-Russian hysteria. And they constitute the vast majority of the international community,” according to the foreign minister.

Moscow’s relationship with China, for example, is “characterized by deep mutual trust” and maintaining that strategic partnership is “an absolute foreign policy priority,” Lavrov said.

Washington and its “satellites” are “still living in the day before yesterday, thinking in terms of unipolarity. They cannot accept the fact that the modern world is no longer West-centered. And it will never be again,” the foreign minister added.

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Source:RT News

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  1. The collective west, including some colonies like Japan, and South Korea, makes up a billion humans, which is one seventh are against Russia. In terms of number of countries, just one in ten support Ukraine or NATO. In terms of GDP, the US/NATO does not dominate either.

    Neew Zealand is in the wrong side of the history because of JabSinDa. What do you expect from an agent of WEF and the deepstate? ????????????

  2. If you’re wondering why we’re seeing more war propaganda today than at any point since World War Two, a big part of it is because it’s going to take a tremendous amount of psychological manipulation to get people to accept the financial hardship that must inevitably befall them as part of the empire’s economic warfare against Russia. Only by ungodly amounts of propaganda would people consent to having their bank accounts emptied for a US proxy war that benefits them in no way and which places them at greater and greater risk of nuclear annihilation.



  3. Two former US diplomats admitted that 87% of the world’s population has refused to enforce the West’s sanctions on Russia, showing neutrality over the proxy war in Ukraine. They said “the outbreak of Cold War II” has led countries “to become increasingly multi-aligned,” especially in the Global South. Watch



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