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UK migrant crisis ‘out of control’ – minister

UK migrant crisis news

Newcomers are allowed to claim privileges without a good reason to avoid deportation, the home secretary has said.

The migrant crisis in Britain is “out of control” due to legal loopholes, Home Secretary Suella Braverman told local media on Saturday, vowing to “take dramatic action” to remedy the situation.

Speaking to The Sun on Sunday, Braverman said, “there’s a crisis on the [English] Channel and it’s been going on for far too long.”

“The problem has gone out of control for a variety of reasons,” she claimed, adding that one of the most notable reasons is the 2015 Modern Slavery Act, which was sponsored by former UK Prime Minister Theresa May.

According to Braverman, this law has been actively abused by migrants seeking to stay in the country. “The aims and the structure of that legislation have been completely distorted,” and the “majority of people coming here from Albania” claim to be “victims of modern slavery,” she said.

The minister went on to note that some migrants attempt to claim this status after they “may have paid tens of thousands of pounds for the privilege.”

“That’s also regardless of the fact that they will have actively sought to come to the UK through an illegal, illicit and dangerous method,” she added.

Braverman says she intends to “take dramatic action” to reverse the tide, telling the outlet that she plans to amend the act to raise the evidential threshold in a way that allows privileges to be denied to those not entitled to them.

She noted that even convicted criminals, including foreign pedophiles and murderers, are able to abuse the law to avoid being deported, saying: there is “a really low bar that you have to cross to be considered to be a victim of modern slavery.”

The home secretary, who was appointed in early September, also claimed that some parts of the police have been “captured” by woke groups, echoing a previous statement in which she lashed out at law enforcement agencies for paying too much attention to “diversity and inclusion” rather than fighting crime.

In recent years, Britain has been plagued by a migrant crisis, with thousands attempting to cross the English Channel in small boats.

According to government figures, as of late September, more than 30,000 migrants have crossed the channel by boat this year, exceeding the total numbers for 2021.

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Source:RT News
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  1. Not a problem at all. UK government can borrow and house them in 4 and 5 star hotels. The economic system will collapse and who cares, or a start a war so that all debts will be wiped out.

  2. The crisis has gone on because they let it go on and now it has become a problem because the economy is crashing, their people are going to freeze and starve and the interlopers are still getting free shit and the polies are fretting they are going to get roped.

  3. The per capita income in Albania was MORE than Ukraine before the conflict and less corrupt & more democratic than Ukraine. This shows two facts: Albanian migrants are just moving for better economic prospects. Ukraine was not a democracy and locals were exploited by neonazis and Oligarchs who work for deep state.

  4. If the uk and associates don t want ” migrants”, perhaps it should stop first bombing countries and going to wars in far away countries as to have free access to their assets.
    We always get what we deserve. Shame for the population who is totally ignorant of what governments decide


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