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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Watch: Ukraine ‘haemorrhaging’ men and material in ‘pointless’ counter-offensives – US expert

US military and geopolitical expert Brian Berletic analyses the NATO-Russian conflict in Ukraine.

In his latest update dated 5 October 2022, Berletic of The New Atlas channel on YouTube analyses the latest Ukrainian military maps and fighting situation on the frontline.

While Ukraine is ‘haemorrhaging’ men and material on counter-offensives which have little strategic military importance, Russia was preserving its fighting force and equipment in anticipation of the arrival of a further 300,000 men and associated armaments in time for the predicted cold European winter.

Information on the NATO-Russian conflict in Ukraine

As they did with COVID, the New Zealand state-subsidized legacy media is publishing a great deal of mis/disinformation on the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine, based on demonstrably false US or UK intelligence/propaganda reports and/or ‘anonymous’ Ukrainian military sources, or their overseas legacy media partners. For unbiased, factual accounts on what’s really happening on the frontlines DTNZ recommends the following sources:


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  1. The objective is to weaken Russia and divide it. NATO knows Ukraine cannot win a war against Russia. NATO cannot win a nuclear war at all; it is a mutually assured destruction. They all know the commonsense fact and yet use Ukranians as cannon fodder to shift wealth to Big MIC, and drain the wealth of EU citizens using the sanctions tactics so that Big Oil gets further richer. Legacy media is doing the dirty jon as usual spreading lies and russophobia propaganda. Globalists also fear that their game will come to an end if a multipolar world fully emerges. Inflection point in history really.

    We have our own Lewinki as leader at this point of point of time unfortunately. Laxon is no different and so we may not do well if the deep state shifts to Sinaphobia after the Russophobia propaganda and conflict profiteering.

  2. First, thanks for the list of news sources for the situation in Ukraine. It will be useful I’m sure. Anything that shows up Zel the Dwarf for the clown his is can’t be bad.

    Zel has no idea what’s in store for him if he keeps on the road he is on. To date, Russia has been taking their time and has essentially done what they set out to do. They have used only a few of their front line troops, keeping the real ones on hold. Should the Dwarf keep pushing his luck he will be facing the Tartars and Cossacks, and learn very quickly he has made a serious mistake. But by then it will be too late.

    Anyway, happy birthday, Mr Putin, hope your day goes well… ????


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