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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Peter Ellis convictions quashed by Supreme Court

Peter Ellis news

Ellis was convicted and jailed for child sex abuse in 1993. He died of cancer in 2019 just after being granted leave to appeal the convictions.

The Supreme Court released its decision today. The case could mark a significant turning-point in New Zealand law, for it is the first time a person has had their convictions quashed after death. It is also notable for being brought under Maori customary law, where the concept of mana is as important after death as it is during life.

The Supreme Court ruled the convictions were obtained as a result of a ‘miscarriage of justice’, in that some of the evidence used against Ellis should not have been admitted, in particular the expert evidence of Crown witness psychiatrist Dr. Karen Zelas.

In a statement the parents of the children alleged to have been abused by Ellis said they were ‘shocked and saddened by the decision.’

The statement also said:

‘The judge and jury in the original trial believed the children, two appeals to overturn those convictions were lost and a Commission of Inquiry upheld the verdicts.

‘We as parents would like to acknowledge the Supreme Court’s recognition in this latest decision, that the judgment was in no way a criticism of the parents, the complainants or those involved in the investigation or trial.’

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  1. I remember when that case broke, when the first child was frightened to go to the creche and when he said why he made the parents sick. There were several women involved as well. Where are they now? So it appears someone used some evidence against Ellis that should not have been admitted’. What sort of reason is that to quash convictions which were upheld already on a court case and two appeals?
    Who has been behind the two previous appeals to clear this man’s name – and why?

    • All I know of the case is that there was a so called “expert” from the USA? touring the West and warning against a “Satanic Cult” who were abusing Children. Maybe Ellis was a fall guy, or maybe a victim because he was apparently gay. I don’t know any facts only hearsay so I don’t know anything. But there are many people who do know a lot about this case and hopefully they will come forward.

      • They did find evidence of tunnels that has been filled in at the Martin daycare centre which was the centre of the claims.

        There is enough evidence that child trafficking and child abuse and probable satanic worship goes on. You would have to be dumb and blind to think otherwise as there is evidence if you care to look.

        Of course that’s got nothing to do with this case. I just think it’s probably not appropriate for a gay man to be working with preschool kids – for his safety as well as the kids. I certainly wouldn’t have been comfortable with the situation. Nothing against Peter Ellis, I don’t know enough about the case to comment on it. it’s just how I feel.

  2. the people who put him away should be put away them selves. All the horrors he went through is disgusting.
    Too many times this happens.


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