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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Labour’s spending on ‘consultants & contractors’ hits $1.2 billion

Government spending news

New figures show Labour’s spending on consultants and contractors has risen by more than a third, breaking a promise to lower costs, National’s Public Service spokesperson Simeon Brown says.

Figures released today by the Public Service Commission show that the Government has spent $1.2 billion on contractors and consultants in 2021/22, up from $902 million in 2020/21.

“Labour is addicted to spending and just can’t help itself,” Mr Brown says.

“Labour promised in 2018 to reduce reliance on contractors and consultants, yet spending on them has increased, while the number of core public service bureaucrats also stays at record highs.

“As well as big spending on contractors, the number of public servants on large salaries continues to swell.

“According to the Public Service Commission, public service staff earning more than $100,000 grew by 1,300 to 19,600, up from 18,300 a year ago.

“The Labour Government is spending $1 billion a week more than when it came into office in 2017, partly to fund a growing public sector wage bill.

“But despite the rise in spending somehow the management of health, education and housing is going backwards under this Government.

“In education, more than 40 per cent of our children are not going to school regularly, even though we are spending an extra $5 billion a year on education. A third of pupils failed the new numeracy and literacy assessment pilot in 2021.

“In health, the number of people on a surgical wait list doubled in just ten months between July 2021 and April 2022 from over 14,000 to almost 30,000. The number of people waiting longer than 24 hours in emergency departments more than doubled between April and June 2022.

“When it comes to housing, since 2017, the state housing waiting list has increased six-fold and the number of children living in cars has quadrupled. The Government is now paying motel owners and other landlords $1 million a day for emergency housing, up 10-fold since 2017.

“Labour shows no restraint in spending, yet outcomes for Kiwis are going backwards.”

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  1. If any party was going to blow out that budget it would be Labour. It’s in their DNA, especially with all the Covid cover-ups they’ve brought upon themselves. Gee I wish I could get some of that action to help with the higher living costs Jabby and her mates have imposed on us all. But hey, we musn’t grumble. When all is said and done she’s done her very best, and is very, very kind, eh.

  2. “…done her very best…” How does she know what best is, what’s the price for her agreement? How much has Waikato paid or arrranged for her for allowing tikanga Maori to become part of the common law behid the peoples backs?
    Why alll the consultants? Once we had Publc Servants with executive ability and requisite professional knowhow. Now Wellington seems physically gummed up with psychophants all a hui no doi. Such a govt is a fraud on NZ.

  3. There is no morality in them at all. Stealing others hard earned dollars, which are kept as savings, is their way of managing the pandemic. 60 billion dollars were ‘created’ to fund their tyranny. By creating inflatioin, they fool the lower income group. Increase in minimum wages or super for retirees get wiped out in no time when they create excessive inflation. They need a large non-productive government machinary for teir propaganda and bribes within the system. Jacinda Arden, in particular, is pushing hard on kiwis because of her NWO contract and subservience to the Global Elites, particularly the Caifornia based Big tech.

    Jacinda Arden is a curse of NZ like Zelensky to Ukraine. Both will make sure that their citizens suffer and sacrifice for their Satanistic Masters.

  4. All the the swamp spent on consultants could have housed how many families ~utterly disgraceful government and all your minions!

  5. There is no connection between child poverty in NZ and the 1.2 billion spent on consultants.

    A consultant firm was employed to investigate child poverty in NZ costing tax payer over 10 million dollars that reported back that child poverty situation has improved under the labour governmnet.

    The above are the notes on which MSM such as STUFF spins to kiwis. Long live stenographer journalism and virtiue signalling by Jacinda in every vital matter that concerns kiwis.


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