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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Watch: ‘Our hospitals are about to fail’ – Freedom Mini 2022

Hospital system news

Hutch from NZ Freedom Mini 2022 shares some sobering information about staff levels at Taranaki Base Hospital.

Hutch was recently seeing a ‘really crook’ mate at the hospital, when it took 40.5 minutes for the nurse to answer the call button.

In a video uploaded to his Telegram channel recently, Hutch elaborated on the problems faced.

‘He’s really crook. We’ve got friends in there, stopping, and looking after him, to help him through his day and give him a bit more comfort.

‘While I was there, I was talking to the doctors, and I was talking to the nurses. The nurses, a lot of them know the Freedom Mini, and they were quite open to talk to me.

‘The biggest problem we have with the hospital up there at the moment, is there’s one nurse to six patients in the day, and it gets up to one nurse per every 10 patients at night. In Australia right now, it’s one nurse to four patients, and it takes the pressure off them. The nurses up here are under that much pressure, that they are going to leave.

‘In this one ward at Taranaki Base Hospital, 15 doctors and nurses are going to leave to go to Australia because they’re going to get paid $50 an hour, and they get to look after four people instead of six and ten.’

As Hutch explained, it’s not about the money – they aren’t going to Australia because of the better pay, but as a result of the environment – the current situation was dangerous and there was too much pressure.

‘They’ve been crying out for ages to get all our staff back… there’s 1,500, 2,000 doctors, nurses and health staff who can go back to our hospitals if they aren’t mandated out.

‘They say all the mandates are dropped – that’s just bull****. The nurses and any health person up there needs to have three jabs to work in there.’

‘We all know now this COVID is bull*** but they aint letting our nurses and doctors back.’

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  1. The Italians have backed off and welcomed back their (fired) unvaxxed health workers.
    In NZ… MOH/do-little are stuck in their narrative/dogma which is crumbling by the day. They have blood on their hands really.
    Our hard-working (thrice jabbed against her wishes) ED nurse family member is under huge unsustainable pressure while these pricks sit back with their heads in the sand.
    I am very unhappy.

  2. The plan goes smoothly to collapse the health system so that American model with full control by Big Media and Big Tech can take over.

    Poor will be advised by AI software, and more jabs and antidepressants will be prescribed. If they dont recover, euthanise them.

    All nutritive food will be exported and locals cannot afford them. We will be supplied withg high carb and high fat food imported from elsewhere. Vegetables will be just a few and anything nutritive, most cant afford.

    It is just the way the great reset is pushed by Agent Jacinda. If you replace her with Agent Luxon, you will get almost the same thing.

    This is not a conspiracy theory at all. Globalists vs Rest is the war we are facing within the country as well as between block of countries. NZ is NOT a soveriegn democracy. Coke and Pepsi are the two political options provided to public. MSM will manufacture consent you are happy with one of them.

  3. The problem is not only with the former DHBs but also with the nurses council (union), who are adamant they don’t want the unvaxed back. Best nurses could do would be mass resignations from the nurses council and a strike specifically mandates be dropped immediately. A day or ţwo should do it I reckon.

    • Thanks for clarifying this. I am an unvaccinated nurse, I have heard what you have just mentioned…that they want in- coming nurses to be fully vaccinated. ????☹️
      I am not sure what to do. Is there anyone hiring unvaccinated people? I need a job.

  4. Our dear leader wants to please Klaus so she is being extra nasty. I think she enjoys it actually. Too bad about people dying no doctors and nurses being stressed I guess.

    Sad state of affairs this country.

    I think we need to start a hashtag and get it trending: #VoteLabourOut

    That will do quite nicely I think. ????

  5. The vaccines were always designed as a bioweapon in order to reduce the population. The collapse of the health system (i.e., its ability to cope with increasing numbers of people with strange symptoms) is inevitable. Even if funding was increased, what would you get: More pills, more vaccines. None of which cures you but seems to make you dependent upon further Pharma products (which makes them money) and just makes you more sick.

    I have heard that at the present time there is amazing medical technology that is being manufactured on the Moon: Medical pods (i.e., so called Med Beds) that can pretty much cure any existing condition using holographic fractal light codes and sound technology. Authentic healing technology such as that developed by Raymond Royal Rife (the Rife Machine) in the late 1920’s has been aggressively shut down, for example, as in this case by the FDA, for the past hundred years. Whatever people think about the oil industry and its money making, “Big Pharma” makes ten times more. I just hope that the medical pods are made available in time.

    In our bodies we have the very best “vaccine” and defense system ever developed: It’s called our immune system. Keep it healthy by eating well, do a bit of exercise and get a bit of vitamin D from the sun. The vaccines can modify your DNA. I am happy with the DNA provided by my parents and ancestors and do not want some rich arrogant Globalists deciding to change my DNA.

    As for politics, I am mindful that for many countries whether you vote Red or Blue, Conservative or Labour, Republican or Democrat, National or Labour and so on, it does not matter as you end up with a WEF (World Economic Forum) candidate who is controlled/influenced by Claus Schwab from his “New World Leaders” courses and the intent to control all of humanity. Claus Schwab has boasted how he has infiltrated various governments.


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