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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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High Court orders forfeiture of Head Hunters Chch gang pad

Head Hunters news
Photo: NZ Police.

The Christchurch headquarters of the Head Hunters Motorcycle Gang has been taken off its hands, following a significant decision released late yesterday.

New Zealand Police have successfully submitted to the High Court to forfeit the Wigram property under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009.

Police initially restrained the property in 2017, following a major investigation the year prior into the gang’s involvement in organised crime and drug offences.

The Christchurch High Court has ordered the forfeiture of the property on Vickerys Road, along with $6,162.30 seized from unlicensed gaming machines and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Police made its application to the High Court on the grounds that Christchurch based members and associates of the Head Hunters were deeply involved in the sale and supply of methamphetamine.

Those members and associates were also involved in completing to numerous improvements made to the property since it came into the gang’s ownership in 2016, having been previously occupied by the Epitaph Riders gang.

In its judgment the Court found it was an inescapable conclusion that funding came from significant criminal activity, including drug dealing and unlicensed gaming machines.

Head Hunters news
Image: NZ Police.

Detective Inspector Craig Hamilton, Manager of Asset Recovery Units, says Police have dealt another blow to organised crime with the release of the judgment.

“Police remain firmly focused on targeting and disrupting organised criminal activity on a number of fronts and today’s decision reflects that.

“This is a great result for the community.”

Detective Inspector Hamilton says Police, through its Asset Recovery teams based across the country, will continue to hunt out and seek the proceeds of crime.

“We are committed to not only putting those involved in inflicting hurt and harm on the community before the Court, but we will also continue to target the proceeds derived from their offending.”

Police note a forfeiture application filed by the Commissioner, which seeks confiscation of the gang’s Auckland East chapter headquarters in Ellerslie, is currently before the High Court.

A forfeiture hearing is set for that matter in late 2023.

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. Well done to the police! Not easy work to do. Gangs and all those involved in importing and selling P need to feel the full force of the law.

    If young people are allowed to vote at the age of 16, they should be allowed to buy alcohol and scratch cards, and be treated as adults, no longer juveniles, before the law.

  2. Great work NZ Police – not – do you think for one moment this gang or any other gang is going to now ‘non exist’ ? Nobody seems to learn from history where do ypu think this gang is going to go now? Let me enlighten you they are going to go underground they are going to be more covert more dangerous they are going to become much more smarter and adapt to whatever surroundings they are in or whatever theatre they are in. These are not the gangs of old back in the 70s 80s and 90s this is now digital warfare. Due to the deportation policies of the inept and should I say shameless Aust. Govt. NZ is now permanently hosting much smarter Aust. trained gang members who dont give a rats about NZ because a lot of them left the country as just young children. They now just go for broke in the surroungings they have been put into and much more smarter and ruthless than their NZ cuzy bros but they are learning fast. End result more danger to the public. You see if they have their clubhouse to congregate in you know where they are much easier to find individuals. If the person wanted is not among them you have the rest of them to question. Yeah great work NZ Police.

    • Yep I agree
      All this for a motorbike and six grand. What a joke!!!
      The operation has been crippled…. NOT
      Wheres the 600kgs of drugs they were suspected of having? And cant be found???
      Someones got it!! Good or Bad???


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