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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Police open consultation on changes to firearms fees

Firearms licensing news

A consultation process regarding firearms licencing fees, which haven’t changed in more than 20 years despite rising costs, opened yesterday.

Other than GST adjustments, firearms licencing fees have remained static since 1999.

The cost of delivering arms regulatory services has risen substantially during that time.

Deputy Commissioner Jevon McSkimming says a greater contribution toward the cost of providing regulatory services (licences, endorsements, permits, approvals) is being sought.

This contribution will be sought from licence holders whether they use firearms for business, employment, or recreation.

“At the moment, licence holders are paying less than 15 percent of the true cost of a licence,” Deputy Commissioner McSkimming says.

“Even if the current firearms licence fee was doubled, it would fall well short of the actual cost.

“Increasing the fee for a firearms licence from $126.50 to $242.50 still requires a Crown contribution of 75 percent.

“This review is about exploring different levels of Crown funding and fees for those who use the services of licensing, permitting and approvals.

“We want to make it more equitable for all.”

Some services of direct commercial and private benefit, such as applications for import permits, are currently delivered for free.

Deputy Commissioner McSkimming says firearms applications are being processed faster, with the average time for a second or subsequent firearms licence application having reduced from nine months in May 2022, to seven months in October.

“We expect to see this downward trend continue.

“With 35 percent more licence applications completed this year, our pipeline of applications is reducing each month.”

The discussion document Arms Regulations Review of Fees invites public submissions until 16 February 2023.

It can be found here on the Police website.

All submissions will be assessed and considered by Cabinet.

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. Excessive and inefficient process causes excessive cost – The Police should not be doing administration work as it’s not their skill base.

  2. Government via Globalist Ardern are doing the following;

    1. Make firearms licensing unaffordable, so Licenssees turn in their firearms;
    2. Start a Firearms Registry to further scrutinise law abiding members;
    3. Engage Firearms Confiscations based on the upcoming June 2023 ‘Firearms Registry’
    4. Begin genocide on the population as per the Population Reduction Act (globally) and WEF Guidelines;

    NOTE; If guns are outlawed then only outlaws would have guns (see the latest NZ Police Ops against the gangs and the firearms confiscations…)

  3. Last sentence; ‘All submissions will be assessed and considered by Cabinet’.
    You mean..,like the ‘consideration’ they showed Lawyer Sue Gray when she presented proof that the mRNA vaccine was untested, doing physical and mental harm to the injectees, and was rudely dismissed by a go-fer that was sent down from the Masonic Beehive to take the deposition?
    Or- ‘considered’ as like in the reason why the Beehive Protesters were there confronting the government over the vaccine mandates, loss of jobs when refusing the jabs, and the financial ruin this current Labour Government has done to the country?
    Or- how ’bout those ‘Entrenched Three Waters Act’, which Labour passed while ignoring the population’s wishes NOT to pass Three Waters (and they did it anyway!!!)!
    How’s that for Fascist Rule under Totalitarian Dictates????
    Or the harassment of our farmers, and the ‘unknown arsonist(s)’ who are burning the freezing works and food processing plants here in NZ, occurring simultaneously in other nations as well?
    Could this be the covert work of the WEF-funded Deep State to help the planned Holodomor along?
    Afer all, based on exponential vaccine deaths, deaths from orchestrated Holodomor, and the uptick in violence,
    the Deagel Forecast for 2025 seems to be ‘spot-on’!


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