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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Watch: Ukrainian soldiers vow to hunt down Zelensky as Dombass defences crumble

Video from the frontline in Dombass shows poorly equipped, freezing Ukrainian soldiers vowing to hunt down Zelensky and the military leadership.

The footage shows men huddled around a small fire in a Ukrainian bunker

‘I want to send greeting to Zaluzchny [Ukrainian General] and our star Zelensky.

‘Is it warm out here? Why don’t you come and take pictures with us?

‘Maybe then you’ll bring something to eat.

‘In videos you say everything is fine, that the soldiers have no need for anything. What the f*** are the new assignments? It’s not the orcs [ie. Chechyan Forces]. It’s the cold and sinustitis.

‘Where are the reinforcements? The commanders ignore us blankly.

‘Remember! We will definitely come back. We will survive. And not for the sake of victory – but rather to hang you f**gots in the Maidan.

‘And pray the Russians get to you first.’

The video comes as most independent military analysts agree Ukrainian defences around Bahkmut and Soledar are on the point of collapse. It is thought a collapse in these strategically key areas will open the entire Donbass region up for Russian advances.


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  1. ‘Remember! We will definitely come back. We will survive. And not for the sake of victory – but rather to hang you f**gots in the Maidan. Similar sentiments will be heard when the vaxxed find out what jabby has done.

    • When Labour loses the next election Jab sin da will probably quickly flit out of NZ to a UN WHO WEF position until the heat from the ‘Covid’ revelations die down over the next few years. She will be right at home with one of those Criminal Organisations. The time has come to make all of those involved in the Dystopian Vaccination nightmare accountable NOW. Otherwise the Nationals are just going to carry on with the same old same old policies. Remember how Chris Luxon stated (with a vengeance mind you) that he was going to vax all the children before they can attend school ?

  2. Yes, the experts interview was very good, this guy knows what he is talking about. I have watched him a few times now. Also the Duran guys are up with the play. It’s a great pity the New Zealand media is such a pack of cowards and will not think for themselves but tow the line from Washington. One day perhaps…

    • i am very happing to have found dailytelegraph.co.nz. Living in western europe, we are fed with the lies and anti- russian propaganda of msm and state tv.
      I have learned a lot since i am a regular reader and shared a lot ( given links)with friends through europe.
      I would like to thank all journalists of dailytelegraph new zealand for their work.
      The world would be a better place if people would understand that honesty should prevail. I may dream…..

  3. All wars are Bankers wars they are always the winners. They dont care which side wins or loses to them it is just like playing Monopoly but with peoples lives for cash. I think once the Republicans who now control the US lower house start investigating the Biden crime family the Democrats house of cards will start to wobble a bit. Once the revelations start to to come to the surface old Joe will probably step down for health reasons of course and be replaced with another ‘joke’ so that the Democrats can have time to scheme out a new plan for the 2024 elections. It is all to keep the Giant Military Industrial ‘Deep State’ Conglomeration moving forward and making money at the expense of everybody else and their lives. 2023 is going to be a very interesting year in the USA.

  4. yes, all wars are bankers wars. Just read
    “The tower of Basel” by adam lebor and have been confronted with my total factual ignorance .
    Now i am reading ” The trigger” by David Icke. That because he is barred from entering the EU for 2 years as beeing marked ” a complotist”. I bet politicians want to shut him up . We are told lies by all the media.
    Read those books if you have time. It gives an understanding of what is going on. And you don t have to agree totally with what is written. But it makes you think.
    And yes i have a letter from scott ritter every so often. Good guy


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