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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Watch: Kiev orders all boys aged 16 years+ to register for conscription as neocons purge Zelensky’s inner circle for 3rd time

Government decree requires all Ukrainian males aged 16 to 59 years to register for military conscription.

Conscription also extends to males suffering from ‘infirmities’.

Geopolitical experts Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou of The Duran analyse the latest developments in the NATO-Russia conflict in Ukraine.

Martial law in Ukraine has been extended by a further 90 days.

Ukrainian forces are facing mounting Russian pressure along the entire front, and a dire situation in particular in and around the strategically important town of Bakhmut, which the Ukrainians have defended for months despite Washington military advice last week to pull back.

A third major purge of officials in recent weeks took place in Kiev two days ago with the sacking of Zelensky favourite Oleksii Reznikov from his post as Minister of Defense – a critical role in times of war. Mercouris and Christoforou note that the purges are likely the result of the neo-con faction influence in the US government, who appear to be slowly ‘picking off’ Zelensky’s inner circle – a possible indication that his days as leader are numbered as he becomes superfluous to Washington’s political needs. The purges have left the Ukrainian President increasingly isolated. While no successor for Reznikov has been officially named, rumours say ultra war-hawk and pro-US operative Kyrylo Budanov will be named his replacement.

37-year-old Budanov has never been part of Zelensky’s inner circle of trusted favourites and is described as ‘extremely ambitious’. The commentators note he is likely to be seen, and perhaps installed, by the West as Zelensky’s successor. It is unlikely however, the Russians would enter into any future negotiations with Budanov to end the conflict. They would consider him untrustworthy following his public admission that last year’s peace talks were used by Kiev as a ruse to buy the Ukrainian military time.

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  1. Once you are conscripting 16 year olds, you have lost the war. Then it is time to reach a peace agreement and lay down the weapons. NATO should NOT be supporting a country to fight when they have reached this point of desperation. As Kiwi’s we should now write to our MP’s and ask them, given that children are now conscripted in the Ukraine, NZ needs to withdraw any further support to this war.
    No 16 year old should have to lay down his life in this way.

    • Yes spot on – and the world should never forget in the closing days of WWII Hitler recruiting kids as young as 9 years old many killed for a cause they never even had time in their short lives to understand.

  2. And according to MSM Ukraine under hero Elensky is winning lol. Another lie they are peddling. You’ve got to be in a pretty desperate situation if you’re conscripting 16 years up to 59 years regardless of health conditions . Those poor dudes are cannon fodder dying for NATO

  3. All Ukrainian Youth need to go to Russia and fight on the Russian side as support personnel NOT involved in actual combat!
    That is the only way that this Khazarian Mafia War will be stopped, unless nukes enter into the scene!
    The goal of Khazarian / AshkeNAZI Zelensky is to kill off as many Goy as possible!
    American Veterans are sneaking off to Russia to join with the Russians, as they can see what is now going on, and they are aware of the situation beyond the scope of J3wi$h-controlled media lies, spin and half truths, and past the false ‘Patriotism’ that put a faux ice cream cone-licking, fondling paedophile automaton in the White House!

  4. Tragic. Calling up their kids as cannon fodder. Exactly like the last days of the 3rd Reich.

    It looks like it’s game over for Mr Zelensky and his Azov brigade Nazi mates.

  5. Just what the Nazis did in 1945 with the Russians closing in, recruiting children to fight and die in a last ditch futile effort to save the country from certain death.
    Shame on them.

  6. The Russians will never negotiate with Budanov they will see him as an insult I would not be surprised if the take Zelensky and Budanov out to lunch with a supersonic missle.


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