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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Day of Remembrance – ANZAC Day 2023

ANZAC Day 2023

On ANZAC Day we reflect on the tragedy of war and conflict, and acknowledge and commemorate those who served the nation, and give thanks to those who continue to do so.

Image credit: Pixabay

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  1. The tragedy of Gallipoli
    Lying on the battlefield being eaten alive by vultures with Your intestines being pulled out and unable to move
    We are still living with the lie called WW1
    Which was basically over by 1915
    But was prolonged for two more unnecessary years by being funded through the fake Belgium Relief Fund
    Headed by future US President Herbert Hoover of Bonus Army Hooverville notoriety
    Which supplied and financed Germany to allow her to keep fighting
    Until the Bolsheviks had taken over control in Russia
    When an armistice was signed
    The war ended
    And the Kaiser went into exile

  2. Why is their memory being desecrated and defiled with the Ukranian ostensibly Nazi Azov Battalion Flag?
    And why is this imperialistic symbol of fascism being allowed to perpetuate and fly alongside ours from one of our most cherished structures?
    NZ truly is in dire straits
    Can’t see the woke for the trees

  3. All wars are bankers wars. Not forgetting WWI and WWII the current war in Ukraine sure is a bankers war.The leaders of Ukraine alone have laundered a B USD or more of aid to their own coffers coupled with selling aid off to other countries and then there is all the kickbacks to the mighty US military machine. Yes there is a lot of money changing hands tin this war.


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