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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Trump guilty of sexual battery – court

E. Jean Carroll news

The former US president has been found guilty of sexual battery and defamation, but not rape, in the E. Jean Carroll trial.

A Manhattan jury found former US president Donald Trump guilty of sexual abuse of E. Jean Carroll, a magazine writer, on Tuesday. The jury also found Trump liable for defamation since he had dismissed the case against him as a “hoax” and a “complete con job.”

After deliberating for three hours, the jurors in the civil trial held Trump liable for “battery” and defamation of Carroll, but not rape. The ex-president was ordered to pay the writer $5 million in damages.

Carroll had accused Trump of raping her in the dressing room of a Fifth Avenue department store back in the 1990s, but failed to prove he had actually engaged with her in sexual intercourse, and did so without consent.

Senior US District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, presiding over the case, noted that sexual intercourse includes “any penetration of the penis into the vaginal opening.”

Trump has consistently denied ever having met Carroll and insisted the entire trial was politically motivated.

“I have absolutely no idea who this woman is. This verdict is a disgrace — a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time!” Trump posted on Truth Social shortly after the verdict.

Multiple outlets have reported that Carroll’s lawsuit was proposed by anti-Trump activist George Conway, and funded by billionaire LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman — a major donor to the Democrats.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Found guilty of saying it was a hoax? Found not guilty of the crime he said was a hoax?… SAY WHAT?
    You can see the weird leftist mindset we’re up against 🤡.

  2. IF Trump is not assassinated before winning another term, there is no doubt that this woman will pull a Monika Lewinsky and run off to Israel before Trump is sworn-in.
    Bill Clinton did worse, and NOTHING was done to criminally charge him, and the ‘impeachment’ of him was ineffective, as he continued on as ‘President’. while Hellary went off to Spirit Cooking with her ilk of gathered witches..!
    The person funding the case, the judge, and the Jury itself were all J3wi$h!
    Despite Trump giving his son (of a bitch) in law free reign in the White House as a J3w and Mossad agent, this is how Israel repays those who go along with their Talmudic Noahide-Law plans to destroy the West and the Goyim as Kruschev (real Georgian J3wi$h name; Solomon Perlmutter) threatened in 1962 when he stated at the U.N.; “We will bury you!!!”
    The works of Aleksander Solzhenytsyn verifies this in his book ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ which is mandatory reading for Russian High School students, and his last book banned in the West titled ‘200 Years Together’ documenting the J3wi$h abuses of the Russian people!


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