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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Five candidates resign from DemocracyNZ

Party leader Matt King told supporters via a Facebook video that he will be making a statement on the walkout in the next few days.

The news was first reported on the Resistance Kiwi Telegram channel.

DTNZ understands the candidates who have left are:

  • Steve Cranston
  • Lee Smith
  • Dr. Matt Shelton
  • Vijay Sudhamalla
  • Kirsten Murfitt

The exact cause of the walkout is not known at this stage, although numerous social media posts say there was dissatisfaction among some members with the party’s management.

Earlier, ex-candidate Vijay Sudhamalla, who was standing for the party in the Port Waikato electorate, tweeted news of his resignation, saying management had ‘forced him out’ of Port Waikato in favour of a local farmer who offered the party ‘more money and party vote’.

‘I will be making a statement in the next few days in detail about the events of the last 24 hours’, said King on the party’s Facebook page.

Momentum for the party has been building steadily over the past few months, with good crowds turning out to hear King and other candidates at public meetings around the country. Time will tell if the departure of such high calibre candidates will disrupt this momentum and to what extent.

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  1. This is bad news for Democracy NZ. I have supported them up until now but these candidates are extremely high calibre and their sudden departure has left me questioning why they left.

    I am inclined to think I may have to suck eggs and vote my old mate Winnie…….let’s face it, he needs to be kingmaker and this time he needs to be Prime Minister! 😬😬😬

    • Where does Democracy
      Which is Demonarchy mob rule
      Fit into the covid plandemic?
      People being ridden roughshod over and forced to take life debilitating fake vaccines to keep food on the table
      Maybe the name of the Part is the problem?

  2. Starting a new party from scratch s not the way. The way is keep quiet about your real agenda and join one of the major parties. Normally it might take 3 terms (9 years). Cindy did it fast track. Just look at the damage she did.

  3. The Outdoors and Freedom Party needs to form a coalition with New Zealand First, and the former DemocracyNZ candidates need to hold an emergency meeting with Winston, Sue Grey, and their respective Board Members coming together for a caucus meeting to discuss such a merger / coalition.
    The ‘King-Maker’ role that Winston has had in the past needs to go by the wayside; he needs to be the Prime Minister unfettered by Masonic Old Boy corruption, free from the WEF / WHO / NWO agendas.
    Winston needs to also be open to the idea that the O&FP along with the former DemocracyNZ Candidates can really give voters a proper fit choice in October.
    Winston has served as Acting PM prior to the last election, so I don’t have a problem with him as our PM, as long as he listens and incorporates the elements of the O&FP along with the 5 candidates who have left DemocracyNZ, and blends their platforms into NZ First’s platform.

    • Will the votes be cancelled – your suggestion is the best, the only way we will get rid of the Greens, Labour, and hopefully National. I don’t trust Act either. David Seymour used to ride his bike around the city yapping about not owning a house until it was discovered he is in a Trust for several. He tells lies like Ardern.
      The Grey Fox cannot be bought by the WEF and that’s the number one reason he has been reviled by all political parties joining with the media to libel him – and the stupid sheep believed.
      I would like nothing better than to see him as our Prime Minister at the end of this year.


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