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Friday, October 18, 2024

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France hit by new night of unrest

More than 70 people have been detained for rioting, police said.

More than 70 people have been detained in Paris suburbs as the riots sparked by the death of a teenager in a police shooting continued into the early hours on Thursday.

Protests broke out in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on Tuesday, but have since spread to other major cities, including Toulouse, Lille, Lyon, and Nice. Rioters bombarded police with fireworks, set garbage containers on fire, and torched several cars.

Local journalists said that Molotov cocktails and stones were thrown at police vans.

Le Figaro reported that “a few dozen” people launched fireworks at a prison in Fresnes, a southern suburb of Paris, and attempted to break into the building before being driven away by police.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Wednesday evening that 2,000 officers and gendarmes were put on alert in the greater Paris area, 800 more than the night before, according to French media. Police also received an emergency authorization to use surveillance drones in Nanterre.

A total of 77 arrests were made, police said in the early hours of Thursday, as quoted by AFP. More than 30 people were previously detained in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, including many in the Hauts-de-Seine department, where Nanterre is based.

The riots erupted after a 17-year-old, later identified as Nahel M., was fatally shot by a police officer during a traffic stop. Police said at the time that Nahel had failed to comply with the officer’s demands. The young man’s mother Mounia posted a video on TikTok calling for “a revolt” to get justice for the death of her son.

President Emmanuel Macron condemned Nahel’s death. “We have a teenager who was killed. It’s inexcusable, inexplicable and I want to express my sympathies and condolences to his family and loved ones,” Macron said during a visit to Marseilles on Wednesday.

He instructed Minister for Cities and Housing Olivier Klein to deliver the government’s condolences to the slain teenager’s family.

On Twitter, Macron urged the public to stay calm and thanked police officers who “are committed to protecting us and serving the republic.”

Opposition leader Marine Le Pen, meanwhile, called Macron’s remarks “excessive” and “irresponsible.” It is up to the courts to decide what happened, said Le Pen, arguing that the president should not prejudice the investigation.

The officer who fired the fatal shot has been placed under arrest and charged with intentional homicide. Lawyers for Nahel’s mother have sought a change of venue, arguing that Nanterre prosecutors cannot be impartial because the suspect is one of their police officers.

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Source:RT News

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  1. same as usual.
    Weak government. Aggressive and criminal youth refusing any authority.

    17 years driving a merc without any driving licence and refusing to comply. Not for the first time.
    a so called ” little angel”…

    • No, it was a youth with a criminal record.
      Driving a stolen mercedes with a polish car registration.
      Drove through a red traffic light, nearly hitting people crossing the street.
      Was put in short detention 4 days previous his death for the same facts. Was then released by the detention judge .
      Youth from north african origine. Probably involved in drugsdealing.
      The reason for the riots are ” racisme” That is what is said anyway.
      But ordinary people living in council estates where the boy came from say that the riots are organized by drugsdealers as a warning to the police, not to go go those area.
      I just report what i have heard on radio.

      Further, many drugdealers shoot and kill each other in france, especially in marseille and south region. Some are as young as 14. Many of them carry arms. And they also kill ordinary people by accident while shooting each others.
      The arms in their possession are bought on the black market and come from the previous war in yougoslavia. Also kalashnikovs.
      And i am not talking about adult men, but adolescents and very young men, and yes for many of them from african origin.
      That is why there is a tabou about this, because as soon as you talk about crime you are opposed ” racisme”.

  2. About 10 years ago in France there were about 1200 “no go zones” set up by French Muslims (and ruled under Sharia) such that if anybody from “the state” went in – e.g., Police, Fire, Ambulance, social workers and so on – they got stoned or bombarded with Molotov cocktails. The Muslims don’t mess around. If they don’t like you, you’ll know about it!

    What’s quite interesting about this is that although the French Muslims are quite restive, the French state is also quite racist towards them: For example, a Muslim sounding name on a C.V for a job application usually results in the C.V being thrown into the bin.

    It is also a possibility that the Muslims may give the “inspiration” for the rest of France to rise up: There are the farmers who have had their land stolen (just like Holland) and been “short changed” by the state, and there are many people who lost their jobs because they did not want the vaccine or were maimed by the vaccine or have lost loved ones because of it.

    I wonder if what is going on could be the start of another 1789 French revolution. The vaccine injured and the Farmers might be the “tinder” and the Muslims might be the “matches”, metaphorically speaking.

  3. yep. There are still ” no go zones” hold by moslims( brothers) and the likes. Among whom many drugsdealers armed to the teeth..Moslims or not for that matter
    Moslim Brothers are legally illegal for ex in Egypt. Ask yourself why.
    As for the state being racist ;
    Rachida Dati former minister of Justice is muslim
    Gerald Darmanin, Home office minister is from algerian roots and probably moslim, and many others. Pap ndiaye, minister of education is black and from recent immigration. All french.
    So if you are motivated and want to learn a skill, not everybody has the brain to follow an accademic curriculum, you can.
    But it .means first, making the effort of learning the language and at least to be able to read and write.
    Many moslim immigrants are illitarate and can only do menial work
    It is true though that some company prefer not to employ especially persons from former french colony algeria and that an arab surname can be detrimental. This because of the ones who demand special facilities for prayers, of the one who arrives after the try periode in full gear moslima, with headscarves etc.
    You see, france always has a lot of immigration. It has never been a problem as most immigrants used to accept french values.
    France beeing a “laïc ” state.
    Laïc does not mean godless though as most french, not all church going, were raised catholic and still have christian values. A large jewish community also, but now at risk and threatened by muslims.

    Laïc means, since the french revolution, that the state guarantees by its constitution, freedom of ( any) faith and also the freedom of no faith. There is a separation of state and church in france as the catholic church influenced for centuries the lawmaking. The catholic church was also represented in parliament. Thanks god not any more.
    And religion and faith is seen by french as a very private matter.
    French people ahbors the proselytism of the muslim community. Muslim community that have now acquiered the french nationality .
    Political active community who pushes continuously to have lawfull exceptions for their muslim community. Derogations of all sort. And when refused screaming racism and discrimination while the law is the same for all.
    Then you lose untiny of your own country and you get partition.
    This moment has probably arrived.
    The french will rightly fight back and it is going to be bloody

    And for saying the above, many schold me as a ” racist”. Which i am not, but i don t care

  4. The muslims are imported illegal aliens to act as a private army for UN and WEF short and long term agendas. To create unrest and destabalise the country to bring in a digital currency social credit scores mrdical passports lockdowns and total control of all the population. Not only in France but other EU counties as well. No such unrest in Poland though they dont import illegal aliens – funny that.


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