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Friday, October 18, 2024

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NZ Doctor’s Appeal of ‘Covid Misinformation’ Suspension Heard

Dr. Alison Goodwin news

On Wednesday morning, Dr Alison Goodwin was in Wellington District Court to appeal an extreme decision made by the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) that saw her suspended and without an Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) for 10 months during the Covid pandemic.

Her “crime”? Speaking the truth as she perceived it – an opinion that did not align with the NZ government and MCNZ’s messaging.

In late 2020, New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS) member Dr. Goodwin started to speak publicly about her concerns with the NZ government’s Covid response and the lack of Informed Consent in relation to the Covid vaccination.

As a doctor for nearly 30 years, most recently a General Practitioner and also trained in lifestyle medicine, she provided information to interested members of the public both online and at popular public meetings. Despite no patient complaints and no evidence of harm being caused, the MCNZ investigated, harassed, and dealt heavy-handed punishment to Dr. Goodwin for asking questions and voicing her professional medical opinion.

At no time in New Zealand’s past have doctors faced suspension for asking questions. Suspension is an extreme measure, not even assigned to deviant doctors who steal prescription drugs. She was prohibited from practicing medicine and earning a living for 10 months based on what the MCNZ saw as professional misconduct that allegedly brought the medical profession into disrepute.

“It’s inappropriate and unethical to force a person to have a medical procedure against their wishes or under coercion,” says Dr Goodwin. “At medical school, three principles were ingrained into me. Number one: first do no harm. Number two: the right to informed consent. And number three: the right to decline medical treatment. All three of those things were ignored during the response so I had to speak up.”

Although Dr Goodwin has waited for 16 months to be heard on appeal, she must wait yet again, as the decision on her appeal today has been deferred and is not expected for weeks. Positive messages in support of her stance continue to grow throughout social media, showing that many people in New Zealand appreciate Dr Goodwin’s words.

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  1. Agree 100% with Dr Goodwin’s comments and stand. Patients have a right to know how an mRNA vaccine will affect them, the risks associated with gene therapy vaccines and the research behind the Health Authorities recommendation, before they are required to sign off on a disclaimer that they will not sue the manufacturer if anything goes wrong. Many have died and no longer enjoy that human, God given right. The right to choose is as fundamental as the right to freedom of speech and thought.

  2. ‘Covid19’ is a lie. The Govt. have lied to us. They are still lying to us. They have been bribed. They are corrupt. They have to keep lying to cover up the fact everybody can see that they are corrupt liars.

  3. Sadly being an honest doctor or any other professional or for that matter a protester, in this increasingly sinister little country, gets you persecuted. The only option left for many people, is to leave….no doubt starting with skilled people.

  4. Sending Dr Alison Goodwin strength, love and much light on her journey to expose more truth. I can only imagine how deep Dr Goodwin has to dig to travel this path. Much respect to her and thank-you for taking this stand. To our government and health officials who perpetuated the lies of a health emergency, who enforced measures that caused harm, injury and death and who repeatedly spoke the words safe and effective while have the knowledge that the coercion of an experimental medical treatment paraded as a vaccine was going to cause harm and injury…..you are all going to be brought to justice by we the people.

  5. 100% behind Dr Goodwin too, so much skullduggery going on in our politics and law.

    Come voting day, I hope we can all channel our votes to give an effective voice in Parliament against the current batch of corrupt politicians. I wonder, given that they weren’t mandated how many chose not to take it. And, as they weren’t mandated I wonder, does that mean their families were not mandate either. After all if a politician is to be persuaded to vote for the rest of us to be mandated then they would probably also want their own families to avoid it also.

  6. in France 2000 doctors refused to take the jab. And were forbidden to work by macron and associates.
    As for nurses, the one who refused the jab are still not re-instated while there is a huge shortage of them

  7. From a patient perspective, and after significant research, it appears that ‘all vaccines’ carry elements of health risks and adverse reactions. (Some very severe)
    So why do we have such a level of denial and lack of transparency throughout our Medical fraternity, our ACC system, Medsafe, CARM and IMAC?
    I challenge any reader to select a vaccine (any).
    1: Look up the NZL Immunisation handbook and Ministry of Health website to check out the listed – Responses to vaccine
    2: Look up the vaccine Supplier Fact Sheet for Undesirable affects, special warnings and precautions for use.
    3: Look up the SMARS database through Medsafe and enter the vaccine and a date range to see how many listed adverse reactions have been self reported.
    When you complete this exercise and compare the findings, only then can you decide if you were ‘fully informed ’ prior to receipt of a vaccine in New Zealand.

    I admire the honesty and integrity of Dr Goodwin and her colleagues who have highlighted the anomalies of the processes surrounding the Covid response, the integrity of the decisions made by our Politicians and the issues surrounding the safe use and efficacy of the vaccine.
    The lack of transparency and consistency across the NZL resources with regard to ALL vaccine injuries/adverse reactions is an absolute disgrace!
    Time for our Medical Council to focus on the information integrity issues across the entities …therein lies the long standing problem!


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