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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Legacy media outlets ‘colluded’ to pull pro-women’s rights ad

The ad was pulled at ‘the 11th hour’, having previously been approved, says spokesman for Family First NZ  CEO, Bob McCroskie.

An advertisement for the ‘What is a Woman?‘ campaign booked in publications owned by legacy mainstream media outlets Stuff.co.nz, NZHerald and the Otago Daily Times was pulled by management at the last minute.

In a press release today, McCroskie explained the situation.

‘In a disturbing display of media censorship, the major daily newspapers have all banded together to pull the publication of a full page advertisement at the 11th hour. The “controversial” ad is attached below.

What is a Woman news
The whatisawoman.nz campaign ad.

‘A nationwide campaign asking the simple question “What is a woman?” was launched today.

‘But the NZ Herald did everything they could to block and delay the advertisement, and then at the 11th hour, Stuff (Dom Post and Christchurch Press) and the Otago Daily Times pulled the advertisements.

‘We believe that this was as a result of communications between the publications up to the CEO level. It should concern all of us that newspaper editors are now banding together to censor advertisements that they disagree with. Where does this place their coverage of the political debate leading up to the General Election? What else are they censoring?” says Bob McCoskrie, CEO of Family First NZ.

‘And the fact that they are working together is disturbing. Has the government funding of these media outlets spelt the end of independent civil discourse on controversial social issues? It appears so.’

‘The main objective of the “What is a woman?” campaign is to create a discussion around a truthful, biologically correct, common-sense definition of “woman” that has been carried down through generations and cultures. An accompanying petition to the campaign calls for‘woman’ to be defined as ‘an adult human female’ in all our laws, public policies and regulations. The campaign encourages Kiwis to start the conversation and to ask political candidates the simple question.’

In support of his allegation of collusion, McCroskie tweeted a screenshot of email correspondence describing how the CEOs and editors of NZHerald and Stuff.co.nz wanted to be seen as being ‘all in it together,’ over the action.

‘What is Woman?’ is a pro-woman campaign designed to celebrate all things good, unique and beautiful about what it means to be a woman – an adult human female. Ultimately we want to establish the biologically correct and truthful definition of ‘woman’ (an adult human female) into our laws, public policies, and regulations.

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  1. What is a woman?

    The “Elite” hate women because they fear the female energy that will create balance within humanity. Instead “they” present these “people who identify as women” (i.e., men who dress as women) to the stage such that real women are removed from the stage (e.g., Bud Lite beer)
    Also, they convince (real) women to murder they own babies because they are “strong and independent women” (nihilistic and selfish women) who are convinced through propaganda (e.g., movies, music videos etc.) to value f**king as more important than love making. People who f**k will abort their baby in a heartbeat because they have no conception of the divine responsibility and just want the next f**k. People who make love are with their partners because they really like them or love them, and they get it!

    In order for humanity to go forward we need to have both the male and female energies balanced within each of us, regardless of whether we are male or female, heterosexual or homosexual. We also need to know implicitly that carrying a baby is a divine responsibility and that love making should be done with that thought in mind and a baby is not something to be thrown away.

    • I agree.
      However, and I understand what you are trying to say, please consider, there is nothing wrong with males having male energy and females having female energy. We don’t need to adhere false equality. What is wrong is, if the basic gender biology, gender specific abilities and capabilities, gender DNA engrained principles and so on are used to make you DOUBT and worry. Differences are smeared in your face , and THEY are exploiting ‘difference’ of male and female. Attributes are to be honoured , without exploiting these differences for idle, vain, fake self-importance, usually proclaimed by some Self-exiled from human beauty of mind, body and soul.
      Let’s NEVER forget: WE THE PEOPLE are being divided by horrid publications, horrid politicians, horrid ‘educators’, horrid ‘scientists’.
      NO MORE!
      I know what a woman is because I AM ONE!
      I know a man because I HAVE ONE!
      And I know a parasite when I hear one.

      Thank you Bob McCroskie, thank you Mark, thank you Daily Telegraph NZ.

      • … and also, if you ever want to defeat those who think there are more than 2 sexes in Earth humanity, ask them why when you have a sex change operation is it only possible to change to a man or a woman? Why can you not change to one of the other 70 or so “sexes”?

        The division game comes from (perhaps before) the Roman Empire and is a classic divide and conquer. The “Elites” want us divided by race, country, tribe, culture, sex, sexuality, religion, vaccination status, social class, wealth. When divided we are easier to control.

        • Spot on!
          And the people are waking up.
          And division has been sown
          And the wrath will be harvested.
          But not quite as THEY anticipate.
          SWHTF in ways nobody could have foreseen.
          Certainly not have wished for.
          Not sure
          if I want include
          any of THEM
          when I say:
          Mercy on all of us.

    See, fixed it for you 😉
    And now let’s check out who owns the media. Let’s go down the rabbit hole of intertwined, interdependent but hierarchically owned EVERYTHING, an oligarchy of the highest and finest (in-) breed, the 0.01%, attuned and enabled by the 1% sycophants and gofers, policed by the bribed political elite.
    It’s a cartel whose empire has been in the making for more than 270 years.
    Have you guessed it yet?

    • I’m guessing that it all began with a certain goldsmith named Amschel Moses Bauer when he opened a coin shop in Frankfurt called the “Red Sheild”

      • You lil’ morsel…GO buddy GOooo!
        You will come across financiers for virtually ALL wars since then, for financial credit through Central Banks to virtually ALL political systems/governments in form of financing the hand-outs to the populace [to get re-elected] and reaping eternal compound interest, and finally the accumulation of ALL wealth (Blackrock, Vanguard, CityStreet, Hathaway), on top of THEIR biggest holdings / bankster imperia, too colossal to imagine…btw: the 4 biggest banks are in China.

        • read ” The tower of Basel” by
          Adam Lebor.

          It is about the Bank for International Settlement.
          Very discreet about itself in wikipedia , i must say.
          Playing down and trying not to attrack unwanted attention.
          This book is really worthwhile reading, that is if you can spare the time. It is not for enjoyment

          The BIS, through USA ( again) and UK ( again) high finance, helped to finance Hitler and the second World war. And “facilitated” business as usual, gold or money having “No odor” ( Vespasien). And also through this institution the EU was born. This is a very simplified ” résumé” of the role of this bank (c ental bank of central bankers).
          As for now, they are taking ” mesures” to implement digital currencies. If i remember correctly this project is called ” Ice breaker”

          Katherine Watt ( lawyer) on substack ( bailywick) has also published recently on this bank and its ” shady” role in world history.
          substack.com is free of charge, but you can financially contribute

  3. I make a point of not engaging with the mainstream media on any level. They are for the most part, simply paid servants of the government these days. I miss real journalism of the kind we had with great people, like Paul Holmes. None these days are fit to shine that man’s shoes. Much missed.


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