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Thursday, January 23, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Major Alert: NZ Government is enshrining ‘Medical Mandates’ in law

Gene Technology Bill news

There is a revolution in progress and it is not a bloodless revolution. The Gene Technology Bill introduced to Parliament this week includes the following provisions:—

  • Mandatory medical activity authorisations: for a human medicine that is or contains gene technology that has been approved by at least two recognised overseas gene technology regulators.
  • Emergency authorisations: when there is an actual or imminent threat to the health and safety of people or to the environment, for example, threat from a disease outbreak, or an industrial spillage. The Minister responsible for the Gene Technology Act (the Minister) will have the power to grant an emergency authorisation.

These clauses bypass the medical choice provisions of the NZ Bill of Rights. 

They violate the conclusions of Phase 1 of the Royal Commission on the pandemic which found that vaccine mandates hurt people and the economy. 

They pre-empt the findings of Phase Two of the Royal Commission which has yet to examine the safety of Covid vaccines produced via gene editing.

It empowers the Minister to make health decisions affecting all Kiwis on the say-so of foreign gene regulators of his choice.

The Bill is being passed under Fast Track legislation designed to prevent public discussion of its controversial provisions and adequate understanding of its impact by MPs. There is no time sensitive need for this.

The Bill ignores the experience and lessons of the last five years of the pandemic which has been a gene technology disaster responsible for 30 million deaths worldwide. Its logic is therefore incomprehensible even to well-informed observers, but it appears to find echoes in a dark history:

“The sun shines” wrote Christopher Isherwood in his 1930s Berlin Stories “and Hitler is the master of this city. The sun shines, and dozens of my friends are in prison, possibly dead.” As are too many of my friends recently, young and old alike.

Following the 1933 Nazi acquisition of power, Germany underwent a rapid and sweeping revolution that reached deep into the fabric of daily life. At the beginning, it occurred quietly and out of sight of most of the population. At its core was ‘enabling’ legislation that empowered the government and its appointees (read: regulators) to take far reaching decisions on behalf of the whole population. Its core aim was Gleichschaltung—coordination—designed to bring citizens, government ministries, universities, cultural and social institutions inline with Hitler’s extreme beliefs and attitudes.

Today we are facing efforts aimed at global coordination of technology, including biotechnology, food tech and information technology. The NZ government appears very willing to play a leading role in this revolution, whatever the implications. We have reported on these previously at length (hereherehere and here). 

In addition to the prospect of government reimposition of medical mandates, the Bill does not require labelling of gene altered foods. As this flies in the face of all the canons of food safety and traceability established over the last 100 years, the only possible motivations are either a desire to deny consumers any right to preferences, or a wish to avoid any safety monitoring or culpability. Not only will we be unable to exercise medical autonomy, but we will no longer know what we are eating. This is an extraordinary and frightening prospect and not just for those who struggle with allergies. Food choice is not the prerogative of the government or bioscientists no matter how sure of themselves. 

Something absolutely fundamental and personal is being taken away from us.

This Bill is being promoted and steered by Judith Collins, with the full support and encouragement of the Prime Minister Chris Luxon and the leader of the ACT Party David Seymour. Collins is a lawyer and long time Parliamentarian, she will fully understand the import of the Bill. As a previous leader of the National Party who lost an election, it is hard to escape the suggestion that Collins may be taking satisfaction from the imposition of her will on those who rejected her leadership. We have all heard stories of waiters who piss in the awkward customer’s beer and laugh behind their backs. I am sorry to draw such a gross comparison, but my sense of outrage demands it. 

The Gene Technology Bill seeks to institute a revolution, it spits in the face of the public who suffered during the pandemic and who voted in a new government with the thought that things might change. Instead we appear to have more of the same or worse. The refusal of Health NZ to publish up to date health statistics such as those for cancer incidence, speaks volumes about a government determined to avoid any accountability, even at the expense of public health. For the record, US insurance data reveals that cancer incidence has had a steady and unremitting upward trajectory since the introduction of Covid vaccines. Ignored by our government and worse: covered up.

There is a time for everything and a season for every purpose under Heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, Now is the time to lobby your MP and let them know exactly what you think. Time to make our voice heard. Please write to your MP before the summer break brings consideration to a close and put a note in your diary to follow up afterwards. This fight is winnable.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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  1. This is how they get out from under the responsibility of violating the following during Covid Vaccination ‘mandates’…
    1. The Nuremburg Code-
    2. NZ Human Rights-
    3. NZ Patient Bill of Rights-
    4. UN Human Rights-
    5. Right to refuse any and all treatments/ procedures, etc. not covered by any of the above.
    This is also in keeping with the WHO’s Global Intrusion into personal health care.
    I wonder how much Big Pharma $$ Judy is being paid…after all, Jabby walked away with millions from a $468K PM salary…

    • But, but they are our representatives, working their little butts off in our best interests, and practicing “democracy”, the western way. They must know what they are doing, surely?

      • Govts. are elected by the people for the people to serve the people. When they dont serve the people anymore they must be removed. NZ Govts. over the last many decades have sold themselves down the rabbit hole of personal gain to the point now where NZ is being run and controlled by outside NGOs. Leaders are being chosen well before any elections which are now only just a formality to pretend an election was held. It is all a big farce and the same will continue into the forseeable future until the people of NZ take a stand and change the status quo.

      • They are definitely not working for all of us New Zealanders. They are working for the highest payer to fill there own bank accounts

    • Siracusa Principles
      United Nations, Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC), Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1985/4, Annex (1985).
      Whilst these “allowed” for a brief and measured derogation of freedoms it nonetheless remained explicit and sacrosanct that such derogations NEVER permitted medical or scientific experimentation without FREE CONSENT. “These rights are not derogable under any conditions even for the asserted purpose of preserving the life of the nation.”
      The ability of government to use all elements of the ladder [of coercion] rests on social licence or the population’s acceptance of the government’s governance.
      National Ethics Advisory Committee (NEAC), 2022, ‘Ethical Guidance for a Pandemic’, Wellington: New Zealand Ministry of Health

      Fixated On Fear ~ The Cultivated Paralysis Of Social Narcosis

      Chaos, History, And The Now ~ The incoherence of ‘plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose’

  2. Lovely clause 187 of the bill,

    Protection from liability for persons,

    The regulator,
    Regulator employees
    Technical advisory committee
    Maori advisory committee
    Persons involved with above committee.

    And the regulator will be the one deciding on mandatory medical authorisations.


  3. Well, you gotta hand it to these folks, they just never stop finding ways to kill us under a legal framework. No matter the party, the goal remains the same. That they are elected by the people has no bearing on their thinking, get in, make heaps of dollars from big pharma, then get out with plenty of cash in their pockets.

    They have no shame, don’t even know the meaning of the word, just carry on for the ‘public good.’ The tragedy is they are not even aware of their sins. They are living in a delusion of their own making and we are the ones paying the price.

    The future is clear. Just say… NO.

    • Yes, exactly – NO and FO. The next big scare the pants off you lie is the Bird Flu ‘plandemic’ and all the NZ puppet Pollies will be following their Globalist Masters playbook to create egg shortages and drive up food prices even more until you can afford to live. You cant have anything that is good or essential to human existance look at the price of olive oil after they created floods and earthquakes in those olive tree growing areas. It is all a creation to eventually drive you out of your homes and give the Globalists total control. These facts are not hearsay anymore they are real.

  4. Shift your focus for a minute.
    What are those brand new 10+ meter galvanised steel skinny towers with every kind of imaginable gadgetry on top?
    They’re everywhere. Thousands of them.
    Always go up at night. So much we never get told about..
    And why are we not surprised?

  5. Wtf seriously government has learnt nothing??? Come on NZF this is the last thing we need and why do we need it. Has anyone heard who is full of shit bill gates is not a doctor! Ffs- how evil are you all!

  6. Under what authority does Judith Collins think she can do this? What right does she or any other politician think they have to enforce upon the public, demands which are certainly not in our best interests?
    Judith Collins, our current attorney general, should step down or be forced to resign. She went to the U.N. in 2014 and stated that there was no abuse in state care when it had been going on since the 50’s (probably before).

  7. In fairness Judith is and always has been a deranged power-crazed nutcase.

    By way of anecdote, I met Judith once, a truly frightening loon as it turned out.

    Although Helen Clark was far more terrifying, in terms of a fairly obvious chronic demonic possession.

    Merry Christmas.

  8. Cool.

    Unregulated mad scientists tinkering with zero regard for likely disastrous outcomes.

    But hey there’s some dollars to be made, or so Judith Collins thinks. Doh!

  9. When Judith introduced this bill to parliament, she said it was part of the coalition agreement.

    So, for those of you who hadn’t realised before the election, Winston is a snake

  10. In March 1929, Isherwood joined Auden in Berlin, where Auden was spending a post-graduate year. His primary motivation for making the trip was the sexual freedom that Weimar Berlin offered, as he later wrote: “To Christopher, Berlin meant Boys.”[15] The ten-day visit changed Isherwood’s life. He began an affair with a German boy whom he met at a cellar bar called The Cosy Corner,[16] and he was “brought face to face with his tribe” at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Science.[17] Isherwood visited Berlin again in July and relocated there in November.[18]

    • And we will be coming for them with our pitch forks, socks and rocks…..

      They think we are just quiet mid life law abiding taxpayers? THINK AGAIN. Matches ready to strike……that’s who we are…..WE HAVE HAD A GUTSFUL OF GOVERNMENT OVERREACH. 😡

  11. The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (NZBORA) protects the right of New Zealanders to refuse medical treatment and not be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without their consent:

    Right to refuse medical treatment: Everyone has the right to refuse medical treatment.

    Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation: Everyone has the right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without their consent.

    • Yep. Although as we found out during the covid scamdemic.

      The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 is worth precisely less than one s*it.

  12. Nope. I won’t be following any medical advice from Judith Collins thanks very much.

    With all due respect, f*ck off Judith, you evil cretin.

    Merry Christmas!

    • While nobody cares what ‘Judy’ thinks or says, this is when she and other ‘politicians’ use the complacency of the populations to enact illegal ‘mandates’ and ‘laws’ under the directions of her Zio-Bolshevik WEF / WHO / NWO masters who, no doubt, maintains her offshore wealth and accounts unseen by the New Zealand public….kinda like Jabby’s offshore dealings!
      Same thing happens in most Western Nations as well, no thanks to the like of AIPAC, Euro-Union, and the money laundering that is now global.

      • I agree.

        Judith is as bent as a nine-bob note.

        Without doubt she’s truly an evil creepy old bag.

        She’ll get her comeuppance in the end.

  13. Judith Collins is clearly an extremely dangerous corrupt moron.

    Is it even possible to get this bent cretin permanently unelected?

    I’m guessing not.

    • The question is though..

      Who the hell do we vote for. They’re all lying power-hungry sacks of sh1t!

      I can’t think of a single MP I’d like to have making laws in this country. They’re all different sides of the same coin. But how do you select someone who isn’t?

  14. In ancient times they used to nail suspected vampires into their coffins, just to make sure.

    I’m thinking this might be a reasonable course of action regarding Judith Collins.

  15. Hey Jude (as the Beetles used to put it), Don’t make it bad. You are REALLY destroying any legacy you might have hoped to have with this one. Masked and armed thugs with needles ,knocking down our doors to “vaccinate” us with the full approval of what’s laughingly known as our “Government” ? Completely UNlLABELLED genetic manipulation of our FOOD?? No my sad pet, none of this is even remotely acceptable. Quite apart from anything else, it will completely destroy our “Clean Green New Zealand” image, which was so carefully cultivated by a govt PR company all those years ago. And since all that’s left of our economy relies on the export of clean green FOOD, it will utterly destroy our stuttering economy. Oh, but I suppose that’s what your WEF paymasters WANT, isn’t it. They want to destroy all national economies, so that people won’t be ABLE to reject a completely unelected Global Govt run by THEM. And you (you fondly hope) because you’ve signed up to assist them. NO. Get thee hence, evil woman.

  16. Admittedly, I’ve just enjoyed a wonderful glass of wine & dins following an afternoon in the garden, but I could not HELP to laugh my head off…well almost, reading some of the above!
    Good on you fellow Kiwis, I concur . It just goes on and on doesn’t it?
    Despite all evidence to the contrary, (going back YEARS!), we are still plagued by rigid thimble brains unable to recognize any truth or reason. Spiritually blinded to the max.
    Sharpen your submission pencil, clean your keyboard in readiness for another round, ( which I had hoped had been put to sleep after Ardern & her cretinous crew), and start preparing your draft submission. I suggest start, & regularly edit, a Word doc, or whatever you do, then you have only to check & re-edit before sending via the Parliamentary Submission website.
    Or print it out and POST it to Jude. Then she would HAVE to take note. Receiving a letter, these days is a rarity when all is said & done!
    People Power! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You can at least hold your head up and say I TRIED!
    God created the Heavens & the Earth & everything in it, (whether or not you agree), and humans are not God, though they try,
    There WILL BE accountability

  17. What about a name mention of Hannah and Kelvyn who toured the country, re counterspin, well before any of the above names were heard of??Kiwi sensationalism hype for keyboard warriors in the Daily Telegraph.


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