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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Taxpayers’ Union Curia poll: Labour crashing

Taxpayers' Union poll August 2023 news

This month’s Taxpayers’ Union poll also sees NZ First back in parliament.

The results of the poll have National and ACT being able to form a government on their own, however ‘just a small shift in these numbers could see Winston Peters holding the balance of power yet again – with Mr Luxon needing both ACT and NZ First to form a government.’

‘National increases 1.6 points on last month to 34.9% while Labour drops 4.0 points to 27.1%. ACT is down 0.2 points to 13.0% while the Greens are up 3.1 points to 12.0%.

‘The smaller parties are NZ First on 5.8% (+2.5 points), the Māori Party 2.5% (-2.5 points), Vision NZ on 1.1% (+1.1 points), TOP on 1.0% (+0.7 points), New Conservatives on 0.6% (+0.2 points), Outdoors and Freedom on 0.5% (+0.5 points), and Democracy NZ on 0.1% (-1.8 points).’

Read the full Taxpayers’ Union article here.

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  1. Not one party in parliament is worth voting for they are all ego driven idiots ,time for new blood, put real people in power people you can trust.

  2. The New Conservatives would enshrine our rights under the Constitution, and not make our ‘rights’ classified as the current and previous governments have.
    New Conservative would repeal ALL recent Firearms Laws, restrictions, regulations, and allow for the Çastle Law’ and ‘Stand Your Ground Law’ which would be a great help for shop owners.
    The New Conservatives would put a stop to all of this Social Credit, Political Correctness, and Woke bullshit!
    They are demanding that the Treasury take more of a role in the nation’s currency.
    I would vote for them IF they stop supporting the terrorist ‘State of Israel’.
    Remember what Stalin, the Zionist Khazarian J3w once wrote about elections;
    “Casting the vote decides nothing…counting the vote decides everything!”
    And we saw that unfold in the U.S. in the last General Election…!
    NZ First & the New Conservatives need to merge and become a party that is worthwhile!

  3. Voting is the adult version of writing a letter to Santa Claus. Might not be what you want to hear, but trust me a year from now nothing will have changed.


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