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Monday, June 17, 2024

Popular Now

Police ‘highly visible’ across parts of Auckland this weekend

Police will be highly visible in parts of Auckland over the coming days to monitor gang movements relating to a funeral taking place.

The community can expect to see additional Police resource deployed around known gang locations in Ellerslie, Onehunga and Papatoetoe this weekend.

Police expectations on acceptable behaviour are very clear and we will be targeting any anti-social or violent behaviour taking place.

Police will also be highly visible around licensed premises and on our roads.

‘While we understand people need to grieve, this should be done without putting the wider community’s safety at risk. It is the family’s wishes that everyone pays their respects peacefully,’ said Assistant Commissioner, Auckland, Sam Hoyle.

‘The community’s safety is paramount for Police and our expectations are that everyone attending will abide by the rules. Those who chose to unlawfully disrupt the community, or put them at risk, will be held to account.

‘Over the coming weeks, Police will continue to conduct visible disruption and enforcement activity in response to the fatal events in Pt England on 5 August.

‘Police will also be working with other parties on long-term solutions required around any tensions between gangs.

‘We encourage the public to report any instances of unlawful behaviour as it happens by contact 111.’

People can also report incidents to Police to follow up by calling 105 or going online.

If you wish to report unlawful activity anonymously, please contact Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Source:NZ Police

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