‘Police’s thoughts are with Ariki’s family a year on from her death,’ said Detective Inspector Dave de Lange.
‘Our focus remains on holding to account those responsible for her death, and providing the whānau with answers.
‘We would ask people to exercise caution when discussing the case and reading or sharing information online about the case.
‘We would also reiterate our appeal to the public for anyone who has genuine information which may help us to report this to Police.
‘We believe people in the community know what happened to Ariki, but loyalties are preventing them from speaking – please do the right thing and come forward.
‘You can get in touch with Police via 105 and reference file number 220905/1265.’
Alternatively, you can contact Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 or via Crimestoppers.
Statement from the whānau spokesperson
The family are still mourning Ariki’s death, and we are mindful that the one year anniversary of her death is coming up.
However, we want to get on with trying to find those responsible.
We are aware of the misinformation that is circulating online and within the community, and the impact it may have on any outcome.