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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Government extends report date for COVID inquiry

COVID Inquiry news

The Government has agreed to a request from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 for extra three months to deliver its final report.

The Royal Commission was established in 2022 ‘to strengthen New Zealand’s preparedness for any future pandemics.’

It was originally due to conclude mid-2024.

“The Commission has been considering extensive reviews on our pandemic response, along with other relevant publicly available information,” Internal Affairs Minister Barbara Edmonds said.

“Commissioners have made it clear that more time is needed to fully understand the complex impact of the pandemic on our social and economic wellbeing, and what lessons we can learn from it.

“Following a request from the Commission, the Government has agreed to a short extension to the final report date to 30 September 2024. No other changes will be made to its terms of reference.

“This three-month extension will enable the Commission to engage directly with a wide range of groups and communities, beyond existing reviews or written information.

“The work of the Royal Commission is extremely important. We want to ensure they can deliver a report that best prepares New Zealand for the future,” Edmonds said.

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  1. hipkins and co are domestic terrorists
    Who unleashed pain misery and suffering (Ongoing)
    On the people of NZ
    The sooner hipkins and his agit prop train of propaganda and lies pass through
    The better off everybody in this country will be

  2. What ever the result of this inquiry it will be anything but the truth as the truth would lead to so many, politicians, so called journalists and medical professionals heading to prison for the rest of their natural.

  3. This whole report will purposefully obfuscate the truth so that none of the principal offenders will suffer any accountability, the fine print in the terms of reference. Another complete waste of taxpayer money .


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