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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Watch: Fake pandemic – German academic destroys COVID pandemic narrative

Stefan Homburg was formerly a professor of economics and a director of the Public Institute of Finance at the University of Hannover.

As lockdowns, face masks, jab passports and social distancing measures were decreed by hysterical governments and their ‘experts’ from early 2020, Homburg said there were five key and incontrovertible facts which proved there was no ‘COVID pandemic’ in 2020, in Germany.

These were:

  • The hospital occupancy rate fell to an all-time low in 2020
  • There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021 – ‘Corona came, influenza disappeared’
  • Age-standardized mortality was not higher in 2020 than usual – mortality has only increased since 2021, with the roll-out of mRNA ‘vaccines’
  • People who died with or from coronavirus were on average, 83 years old
  • Sweden, which was free of masks and lockdowns, fared better than Germany

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  1. Exactly the same is happening now with the war in Ukraine. We in Europe are lied to, facts are silenced of distorted by governments and media. Zelensky is a stateman and Putine seems to be ” le diable” himself. Propaganda full throttle.
    All western politicians have been corrupted, either bought or blackmailed.
    All this is about money and tranfer of riches from the tax payers to the US banksters.
    It wont save them though as all western banking/ monetary system is going to break down. Many banks are already bankrupt .
    As lynette Zang ( youtube) already said, dont leave your savings at the bank, but buy gold or silver if you can. The price is now high, but will go higher still. And watch her last video ( food, water etc)

  2. In 2020 Homburg voiced criticism of the German government’s response to COVID-19 on Twitter, YouTube, and in opinion pieces for the newspaper Die Welt. In April 2020 he argued against a lockdown in Germany and incorrectly predicted a little more than 3,000 COVID-19 related deaths in Germany. Homburg claimed without proof that there would be involuntary COVID-19 vaccinations in Germany and stated that the Robert Koch Institute’s statistics regarding the COVID-19 epidemic in Germany are “all lies”. Several economists, statisticians, and other academics have criticised Homburg’s analysis as sloppy and methodologically flawed. Homburg has repeatedly compared the German government’s COVID-19 containment measures to fascism and the rise of the Nazis in 1933, which sparked public criticism. The University of Hannover has called this comparison “intolerable” and has distanced itself from Homburg. [Wikipedia]

    • Sounds like Homburg was on the money. German authorities don’t like people making that correct assertion that they acted like totalitarians.

      Wikipedia is of no use for information. Try quoting something that is backed by studies

  3. Fake ‘Avian flu’ incoming.

    Hundreds of $billions to be be easily extracted from the moronic NPCs.


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