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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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US missionary couple among three killed in escalating Haiti gang violence

Natalie and David Lloyd news
Image – Missions In Haiti Inc.

A young American missionary couple, Natalie Lloyd, 21, and David Lloyd, 23, along with a 20-year-old Haitian, Jude Montis, were tragically killed by gunmen in Haiti as they were leaving a church service.

The couple’s demise was publicly confirmed by Missouri State Senator Ben Baker, Natalie’s father, who revealed through a Facebook post that they were victims of a gang attack. The missionary organisation they were associated with, Missions in Haiti, reported that the attack involved two separate armed groups, with the victims ultimately trapped and fatally shot in a house under siege.

The ongoing gang violence in Haiti, which has intensified following the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, continues to destabilise the nation, prompting international responses.

The White House has advocated for the rapid deployment of a Kenyan-led multinational force to help restore order. This tragedy underscores the dire security situation in Haiti, where even humanitarian efforts are perilously threatened by the unchecked rise in gang control, contributing to a humanitarian crisis marked by violence and severe health system strains.

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  1. There are some places its best to stay out of, Haiti being one of them…….

    In any case sympathy to the families…..

    • Yeah, I get annoyed with the “shock and disbelief” that always follows when one of those annoying vlogger twits bicycle through Afghanistan or jog across North Africa and “inexplicably” end up being sexually assaulted or having their heads cut off on YouTube.

      Some cultures are better than others. Doesn’t matter how fiercely some people refuse to accept that, eventually reality will come a knocking.


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