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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Fourth flight evacuates New Zealanders from conflict in New Caledonia

New Caledonia news
Noumea on 16 May 2024. Image – @Sprinterfactory, X.

A fourth evacuation flight has taken off from Nouméa, New Caledonia, carrying 57 New Zealanders back to Auckland amidst ongoing civil unrest.

The Defense Force Hercules is en route, with an additional 110 New Zealanders still awaiting departure.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters announced on X that the aircraft is expected to arrive in Auckland later today. This is the fourth such operation following the deadly clashes between pro-independence activists and security forces which have escalated tensions in the region.

In related news, the unrest worsened with the reported death of a man shot by a police officer after a violent confrontation involving around 15 assailants. This incident occurred shortly after French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit aimed at soothing the escalating conflict.

Speaking to state media, recently evacuated kiwi Andre Capiez described parts of Nouméa as resembling a bomb site. Despite being distanced from tourist areas, he noted significant damage throughout the city, with many areas appearing as if they had been bombed, showcasing extensive fire damage and looting.

Despite the situation both sides have disapproved of the violence, according to Capiez. Meanwhile, the death toll has climbed to seven.

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