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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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ACC Chief Executive’s costly European trip amid job cuts raises eyebrows

Megan Main news

ACC Chief Executive Megan Main has come under fire for her taxpayer-funded business class trip to Europe which coincides with the organisation’s proposal to cut nearly 400 jobs as a cost-saving measure.

Main defended the timing of her trip claiming it was important for improving ACC’s services and rehabilitation outcomes, according to a report in legacy media. She is scheduled to speak at an international health conference in Paris and meet health system experts across several European countries, aiming to gain insights beneficial to New Zealand’s health systems.

The trip, costing approximately $32,000, comes at a time when ACC is looking to reduce its expenditures by about 6.5%, aligning with the government’s broader public service spending cuts.

Critics and the Public Service Association have expressed concern to media over the job cuts and the timing of Main’s expensive travel, highlighting the increasing need for injury prevention efforts in New Zealand.

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  1. Improving services and outcomes??? while sipping on Prosecco and lavishing on a salmon fillet???
    22 years ago my wife suffered a back injury while working at CDHB.
    ACC did NOT accept the claim…
    When she asked a couple of Specialist Ortho Surgeons if they could do an operation, they refused, despite having us Southern Cross Health Insurance.
    One year later, she damaged her knee when carrying heavy boxes up a flight of stairs, as the lift was permanently broken, and no Orderly came to help when called.
    The boxes contained thousands of dollars worth of meds that she signed for, and didn’t want them left ‘downstairs’ lest they be stolen and we ended-up paying for the loss…
    Again, ACC refused to pay for a knee and back op, and again the Ortho Surgeons refused to operate…
    Later, after our child was born, we naively complied with the 6 week vaccination schedule, only to have our Apgar-scale 10 child suffer seizures post-vaccination!
    Our child was kept at CDHB overnight, where the Pedo Staff had ‘fun with her’ (their words…).
    After the second round of vaccines, our child aspirated, and turned blue. My wife just happened to be up at 2AM, and heard the gurgling noise coming from the cot. The child was choking on vomit, but she managed to clear the airway, and we called for an Ambulance.
    Later, at 3AM at the A&E Department, a Nurse came over only one time, and by 5 AM the Registrars were standing around gossiping about our family, but offered no help or consultation.
    The Paediatric Department NEVER contacted us to follow up.
    Our child was later diagnosed with Autism, which came on the heels of the vaccines and the aspiration.
    ACC has still done NOTHING!!! to re-open my wife’s back and knee injuries, despite the on-going pain and crippling effects of the injuries! This has resulted in my wife being permanently disabled, with a loss of income as she had to resign under duress from CDHB, where no help was offered in any way!
    We consulted with a major law firm, but there was a massive conflict of interest there with the Old Boy Network! Legal advice was with-held from us, and the law firm took $2K for writing one letter to CDHB. that resulted in legal threats to us.
    In the meantime, we have lost over $770K in wages from my wife suffering constructive dismissal and having to resign under duress due to being bullied in the workplace, and living in constant pain that has prevented employment.
    ACC has yet to pay a single penny on compensation!!!
    We receive the Child Disability Benefit as a result of complying with the vaccines that damaged our child, and the MSD was supplied overwhelming evidence of our child’s autism. The first time we went to MSD’s office, an ‘ethnic’ clerk refused the paperwork. On the second attempt, a Pakeha Clerk accepted the case and started the benefit.
    No one can tell me about ‘privilege’, ‘entitlement’ and ‘discrimination’; just like the blacks in the USA, it’s a problem when THEY rage about it and blame Whitey, but good ol’ Whitey has now discovered the real world of …dare I say it…’REVERSE DISCRIMINATION, and the effects of BLM, etc., but I digress…!
    In the meantime, the ACC Chief can arrogantly jet her way to Europe on a ‘Working Holiday’ while thousands of Kiwis suffer in pain, have had no offers or been refused corrective surgeries, and definitely no ACC Compensation or offers of reinstatement after the needed surgeries.
    CDHB is a shit organisation, with many Department Employees being wives and relatives of Doctors, Specialists, Board Members, or those ‘in the know’.
    The Old Boy / Old Girl Networks in Christchurch makes that city unlivable due to the outdated Victorian-style Provincial mentalities where the population in many instances actually have a false sense of inflated self-worth, and go out of their way to maliciously gossip and sabotage others so that the gossipers ‘come out on top’ despite not being qualified for the jobs that they were appointed into.
    Those who worked hard in the CDHB system but were not part of any network found themselves being abused, marginalised, paid less, exploited, denied lunch and tea breaks, and threatened by Department heads!
    It was OK for certain other employees to go off to Medici for a morning tea break that lasted over an hour, or to swish over to Ballentyne’s on company time and take 2 hours for lunch in doing so…!
    & BTW- the Union did…NOTHING!!!… to help!

    • Sorry to hear all that. You are right about Christchurch and the old boys club too. Mind you it’s the same all over the place. I sacked my family court lawyer when I just happened to be passing the court and saw him outside talking to the other parties lawyer…..yeah talk about conflict of interests. Best thing I ever did.

      I too am disgusted at these people tripping around all,over the world at our expense and as for business class? Is her arse too hug to fit in economy?

  2. In recall a time when NZ hospitals were free. Now business and the self employed pay Acc tax . To have a claim accepted is not easy. Healthcare is not a business. It is a human right. O how far have we come.

  3. ACC needs to be scarapped and made more accountable as well mor effective.
    They are a law on them selves and almost unaccountable

    • Chloe was on with Jack Lame two Sunday mornings ago, and kept uttering the phrase ‘Natural Law’ regarding the miscreant actions of the Green (Red) Party’s law-violating MP’s (Remember; Green is the new Communist ed…)
      So- does she even know the difference between ‘Natural Law’ and ;Common Law’???
      Remember- Chloe is a lawyer as well…!

  4. You get what you vote for. If people had shown a little courage and voted for new party’s we would have actual accountability….oh well…….

  5. I see MSM removed the bit that said she worked for the Labour Government running their MIQ scam – I mean scheme….


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