Kaiya Shute, a young model from Auckland, has been jailed for two years and two months for her role in the death of 18-year-old Connor Boyd.
Shute and her ex-boyfriend William Allister Grace were found responsible for Boyd’s death, which occurred after he was dragged by Grace’s vehicle outside a nightclub in 2022.
Despite the serious charges, Shute actively maintained a TikTok presence during her trial, posting videos that included life advice and self-aggrandising messages. At the same time she was involved in a prolonged attempt through the courts to keep her name secret, with the court eventually deciding her rehabilitation prospects would not be hindered by public awareness of the case.
Boyd’s death followed a night of drinking and altercations, and the jury rejected the defense’s argument that Boyd had been aggressive.
Justice Ian Gault ruled the actions of Shute and Grace directly contributed to Boyd’s fatal injuries.
This is what the same-sex schools teach in Aotearoa; self-importance, self-aggrandisement, and sociopathic / psychopathic behaviours that ‘You are the only one that matters’…
One Boy’s High School event teaches that in life ‘when your opposition is down, never let him up, and STAND ON HIS THROAT!!!!
They are being well-molded to be the bullies who will enforce the Zionist New World Order and the WHO / WEF guidelines, as any employer in their right mind would NEVER hire this ilk!
Watch the socials for when she inevitably updates her check-in status to the women’s prison in Manukau. Might even convince some of the inmates to do a TikTok dance with her (if she doesn’t get shanked first).
That Whatever podcast is a treasure trove of insight into this new generation, and it’ll certainly help you make more sense of western demographic collapse (while you weep for humanity).
She barely gets a 4. I hate to say it but man that’s a snout and a half, and a puny little chin to match! What kind of model is she? Something for sunflower seed as a tasty snack?