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Monday, October 7, 2024

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Employment Court upholds ruling against state broadcaster for lack of consultation

TVNZ news

The Employment Court in Auckland dismissed TVNZ’s appeal against a previous ruling, which found the broadcaster had not adequately consulted with its staff before making significant programming changes and redundancies.

The embattled legacy media state broadcaster argued that urgent cost reductions were necessary, leading to about 70 job cuts.

However, the court upheld that TVNZ breached its collective agreement with E tū Union by not involving employees in decisions affecting their workplace. The court has given TVNZ 20 working days to comply with the specific contractual clause regarding employee involvement.

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  1. There’s probably large amounts of money 💰 involved. Just hope it’s manageable within their own budget. Don’t go crawling to the govt. for more tax payers money, so sick of their ignorance and hypocrisy that’s for sure. That’s why the govt. should close them down because they don’t know how to behave or use the correct procedures. Cheers to that 🍿🦆

  2. Here, you can talk to your boss.. US.
    Tvnz… You lied to us all. You used the platform to herd us into your transhuman cult.
    You sheepdogged us into irreversible medical experiments known to be harmful.
    You suppressed information and aided and abbetted criminal saboteurs to commit mass murder.
    Even tvnz chair malloy is a WEF PR implant.
    This whole corporation is infested with cultist rats.
    NZ doesnt want your satanic deception despite how much money your globalist investors spend on weaponised deception media.
    Our network was stolen and our people and our talent was evicted many years ago only to be replaced by psyop grooming and cultist agendists.
    Utter filth.
    Line these bastards up.
    I want stocks on the street so we, the REAL BOSS, can throw our faeces at these serpents just as they have been spoonfeeding us theirs for decades.
    Utter filth.
    Totally guilty.
    High treason.
    Complicity in democide.


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